View Full Version : US elections

Ruy Horta
5th November 2008, 20:04
It is not often that I can say this and that's why I've chosen to do so on this forum, but I found the speeches of both presidential candidates inspiring. Both senators McCain and Obama have demonstrated their ability to look beyond party politics and show the vision, leadership and unity that the US and indeed the world needs.

It is not often that one can witness positive historic events, but I really believe that this is one of such moments.

I'm hoping for better times.


John Beaman
5th November 2008, 21:34
Well, thanks for that Ruy.

In spite of our problems, we are quite proud of how, every 4 or 8 years, we manage to make a seamless transition of power. No guns, no rioting in the streets (some partying to be sure!), no military coups, just the people voting and making their statement even after divisive and often mean-spirited campaigns.

It will be interesting to see how the Democrats handle almost total power. Sometimes the ability to weld such power is not always commensurate with the desire to have it.

Franek Grabowski
6th November 2008, 01:01
Everything is ahead of you!

6th November 2008, 17:50
Yes, while I think the right man won, I do worry about the old saying. "All power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely".
Let us hope that Obama can enter into dialogue with Americas so called enemies instead of trying to bully them. An Osama-Obama summit may clear the air, and the Israeli Palestinian question must be tackled robustly and honestly.
Or am I too hopeful. He has enough problems at home, but that is beyond my comprehension.

6th November 2008, 18:25
I was disappointed by the outcome. Senator Obama is an excellent speaker and highly educated, but each President-Elect enters office in the face of an entrenched bureaucracy. On top of that, the number of lobbyists for special interests has grown in the United States. The rich are indeed getting richer. One comedian made the following observation about billionaires: "To all you billionaires going for your next billion. What are you going to do with it? Start your own space program?" Apparently, as opposed to living in comfort and excess, too much is never enough. (Old MTV slogan.)

Then the financial experts on Wall Street came up with a scheme that ended up looting the United States Treasury and citizens' retirement accounts. I suspect there are a few individuals packing boxes full of money in Washington, D.C. right now; probably to end up in some Presidential Library in temporary storage.

Senator Obama has youth but little practical experience. I sincerely hope that he does not yield too easily to the veteran power politicians, and makes sound judgements for the country and in foreign policy.
