View Full Version : Copyright question

10th April 2010, 00:09
If I decide to write an article for an aviation magazine that already forms a small part of a book I am writing, will the copyright for the article pass to the magazine publisher - and will I then need their permission to use my own work in my book?

Or will I retain the right to use my work elsewhere?

15th April 2010, 17:16
I suggest sending a query to the magazine publisher.


22nd April 2010, 05:49
Hi Larry,

Only my opinion, but this is how I view it.

If you get paid for it, probably the copyright is with the publisher.

However if you stipulate that the work is only submiited on the understanding that you keep the copyright, and it can only be published under these terms, you have a good chance of being able to use it again, and the publisher has the chance to decline the terms if he wants.

And very importantly......
Make sure, if you are getting paid it is clearly laid out what you are getting in a written agreement.

For a definite opinion, try a post of the flypast forum, I think there are a few publishers on it.
