View Full Version : Book opinion request - He 177

Pawel Burchard
1st October 2005, 11:44
Hello, has anybody had a chance to read following book -

Das Kampfflugzeug Heinkel 177 Greif und seine Weiterentwicklung
Aktennotizen zur Luftwaffengeschichte
Eurodoc.Corporation Verlag GmbH, Wien


Steffen Arndt
2nd November 2005, 16:45
Hello Pawel

I own the book but i did not manage to read it through (it is a "dry" read). It is focused on the technical developement and political influence. No photos very few drawings. The contents is well researched (as far as I can tell) and gives an insight in German aircraft production policy, insider relationships, lobbying and so on.

I think it is THE book on the developement of the 177 but if you are out for photos and drawings, combat diary (...) you would be disappointed.

Just a few weeks ago I talked to a nice guy at the model fair in Leipzig. His name was Franz Gaudeck and he was Bordmechaniker (flight mechanic) with Heinkel in Marienehe. He said that the He 177 was a really good plane until it should be able to dive bomb...


best regards


Pawel Burchard
2nd November 2005, 18:31
Thank you Steffen, it's valuable information - as I consider ordering the book.

Kind regards,

Jukka Juutinen
3rd November 2005, 04:21
Well, hope it is translated into English asap. I have Griehl´s He 177 book and it leaves a lot to be desired.

Steffen Arndt
3rd November 2005, 10:59
Hello Jukka

I would not expect this book in English very soon....

Here are some more details:
pg. 6-310 text only
pg. 311-432 Appendices (no photos, different kind of grafics, charts, tables, sources... )

contents: 6 chapters devided into 29 sub-chapters. (Please forgive me that cannot translate all of them.)

I. Entscheidungsgrundlagen und politische Vorgaben
(decitional bases and political presettings)

II. Schwerpunktverschiebung und technische Rückschläge
(displacement of the focal point and technical set backs)

III: Die Ausweitung des Krieges und taktisch-technische Alternative
(The expansion of the war and tactical and technical alternatives)

IV.Einsatzbewährung für das Kampfflugzeug He 177
(deployment prove for the bomber He 177)

V. Technische Weiterentwicklungsmöglichkeiten und ihre Einstellung
(possibilities of further developement and their shut down)

VI. Bewertung der technischen, industriellen und politischen Führungstätigkeit
(Appraisal of the technical, industrial and political leadership activities)

(I deliberately wrote the German headlines, if someone has a better translation for them please contact me via PM or mail and I'll change them)

It is a rather academic work which is fine for me, but makes reading and translation quite difficult (the translator must have knowledge in historical, technical and political aspects) As it is a text book I do not think it would sell very well (even the German books are numbered -- I have 973) Maybe if people like Petrick, Crow or other picture collectors (this is not meant disrespectful!) would put in some of their collection it could be a best seller. OTOH it would be 600+ pages thick and thus the price would be astronomical .... or the text would suffer.


best wishes from Germany
