View Full Version : WW2 myths & legends

6th January 2006, 16:04
Hello all,

This thread is a little different as I have been inspired by something I was just reading, but I was interested in finding out more WW2 so-called myths and legends.

For example, I heard many years ago that Germany, during WW2, had possession of the 'spear of destiny'. Now, if this artifact ever did exist, I don't know (that's another story altogether), but this is what I heard. What is even more strange is that the story says that apparently an American special unit was sent to capture it!! It's feels a little silly writing about it, and is obviously a fairy-tale, but still, it's interesting none the less. Has anyone else heard this story.

I have heard many other stories, some of which over the years have been found to be truthful, such as the training for the D-Day landings that ended in disaster.

6th January 2006, 18:03
The spear can be found at the Volkerkunde (umlaut over the O) Museum in Vienna, Austria.


6th January 2006, 18:16
Thanks, Ed!

Yes, just had a look and it seems when Hitler was in Austria he took the spear and sent it back to Germany, as it was said that who ever owned the spear would be victorious. It seems that it fell into American hands at the end of the war.

Very interesting.............

6th January 2006, 21:33
For a super "fictionalised" account, read "The Spear" by James Herbert

22nd April 2006, 17:14
"Brother Maynard! Bring up the Holy Hand Grenade!"

23rd April 2006, 07:36
"Brother Maynard! Bring up the Holy Hand Grenade!"

I see more fun of the Monthy Python :) :)

Yes, Ed is right, spear is keept in the museum in Wiena and I have saw the photo. So this is the muth that German put some extra effort to get it.

Tony Williams
12th June 2006, 06:40
The 'myth' in this case is not that the spear existed, but that it was anything more than a spear...

Tony Williams: Military gun and ammunition website (http://www.quarry.nildram.co.uk) and discussion forum (http://forums.delphiforums.com/autogun/messages/)

Tom Ze
5th November 2006, 16:24
The 'myth' in this case is not that the spear existed, but that it was anything more than a spear...

Tony Williams: Military gun and ammunition website (http://www.quarry.nildram.co.uk) and discussion forum (http://forums.delphiforums.com/autogun/messages/)

I seem to recall there were four artifacts given this title. Although I think only just the one survived. Mind you, I've not read of it in many years.