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Merlin 14th May 2014 20:08

Re: Can you solve a 6.(S)/LG2 mystery and be my hero?

the were two fatal losses of this unit near "Montdidier" on 5.Jun.40:
- near Roye (15km east of Montdidier) Lt. Siegfried Panten from 4./LG 2, aircraft identified as L2+BM
- near Ham (40km east of Montdidier) Uffz. Karl Heinz from 4./LG 2 - may be in an aircraft of 6./LG 2?

robert 14th May 2014 20:32

Re: Can you solve a 6.(S)/LG2 mystery and be my hero?
My original photo has something like "b.Villero" on the back.



lilsis 14th May 2014 21:00

Re: Can you solve a 6.(S)/LG2 mystery and be my hero?

" Abgeschossener Deutscher Jäger bei ........... Juni 1940


Knerr, hans the crashplace was Orp le Petit

ClinA-78 14th May 2014 22:14

Re: Can you solve a 6.(S)/LG2 mystery and be my hero?
It seems we are getting hot. Bei 'Villero' should be read like bei 'Villeroux' an hamlet located at 2 km North of Saint-Géry and it seems to match the loss someone told me; there is still a row of street along that road leading to Villeroux. Orp-le-Petit is some 27 km NE of Chastres, maybe another crash?

Best regards


ClinA-78 14th May 2014 22:18

Re: Can you solve a 6.(S)/LG2 mystery and be my hero?
read "a row of trees".

Larry Hickey 15th May 2014 11:53

Re: Can you solve a 6.(S)/LG2 mystery and be my hero?

I want to thank you all for your suggestions and information.

I have just been sent two photos of the L2+DP Hs123 crash taken at the same time that further confuses things. Written in German with a fountain pen on the back of one it says that it was taken near St Pol, and the other says it was taken between St Pol and Cambrai. There are at least three St Pol's in France, but none very close to Cambrai. So now the mystery only deepens.

Lilsis, regarding your reference to Hans Knerr's crash location as "Orp le Petit," which is in central Belgium S of Tienen, what is your source for that information? Are there there any known photos of this crash? Any other details of that crash?

Any further information from anybody on any of these three 6.(S)/LG2 Hs123 crashes?


ouidjat 15th May 2014 12:58

Re: Can you solve a 6.(S)/LG2 mystery and be my hero?
Hi guys,

Just to complicate a little bit ... :)

Or Villerot which is 64km NNE of Cambrai, in Belgium 15km W of Mons!

Helpful? :)

Regards, Franck.

lilsis 16th May 2014 09:50

Re: Can you solve a 6.(S)/LG2 mystery and be my hero?

Asked 2 fom our biblio's for older scripts, the 1. Said without thinking in few sec. Mondidier the 2. said by looking to the written rest it can be M/H, o/a, u/n, e? d/l. ier. Then i gave to read this Thread and 2. said St. Pol near Duinkerk it is sure that it is 6. Not 5.? example for this , crashs Dörffel May 40 Tienen , Juni st. Pol?

So in Short nothing claer news

Edir: he do Not mean that it is Dörffel.

obdl3945 17th May 2014 15:20

Re: Can you solve a 6.(S)/LG2 mystery and be my hero?
4 Attachment(s)
Hi, Larry...

Thanks for posting this image... it adds to the four I already have of this aircraft. Not sure if the undernoted are of help to you but thought I'd post them anyway in case there's an off-chance you - and others - haven't seen them already.

If it's any help (or hindrance), I've got a note against the first image that the location is St.Pol.



All images from expired e-bay auctions.

ClinA-78 17th May 2014 18:29

Re: Can you solve a 6.(S)/LG2 mystery and be my hero?
It doesn't look like Saint-Géry / Villeroux landscape (1st Pic)


Larry Hickey 17th May 2014 19:28

Re: Can you solve a 6.(S)/LG2 mystery and be my hero?

Disregard my PM to you about these images. I see that they are all from expired eBay auctions. Is it possible that the caption "St Pol" came with the last two posted images and not the first one?

Dénes Bernád 17th May 2014 19:29

Re: Can you solve a 6.(S)/LG2 mystery and be my hero?
I looked through my photos, and the series of photos that I remembered showing a similarly crashed Hs 123 in France turned out to be L2+LM.

However, I did find another photo that actually shows +DP, but in a different position (the wreck was probably turned around). Sadly, on the verso it's written only: "Abgeschossener Aufklärer". Notice the round squadron emblem on the nose.

Will keep looking...

ouidjat 17th May 2014 21:11

Re: Can you solve a 6.(S)/LG2 mystery and be my hero?

Originally Posted by ClinA-78 (Post 184559)
It doesn't look like Saint-Géry / Villeroux landscape (1st Pic)


:) Neither like Villerot.

but watching with Google street's help it's crazy how much it looks like it's written on Larry's picture; i.e. Montdidier surroundings.

Regards, Franck.

obdl3945 18th May 2014 03:59

Re: Can you solve a 6.(S)/LG2 mystery and be my hero?
Hi, Larry...

I have the location attached to the first image only, on the left. Please note that where I have several images of the same aircraft, I tend to log information against the one I number first so the rest are simply consecutively numbered. In my defence, if there is any query or contradictory information, I do make a note and on occasion where a location may differ, I tend to log a note against that particular image even if it's not the first in the set. So far, I've not had any additional information to suggest the latter two images depict an aircraft at a different location to that in the first two images.

My personal opinion concurs with Dénes' comment (and additional excellent photo :D) that this aircraft has been moved somewhat over a period of time. Of the four images I posted, I am now confident they are all the same aircraft; from the left, images 1, 3 and 4 have the propellor at the same angle; image 2 just about shows the tip of the blade as it curves back over the cowling. In 2 and 3, there is a panel of the fuselage which is raised and looks 'lined'. The same panel can be seen from the outside in image 1 as the raised portion of the fuselage cross. The propellor centre is in the same shade in all images where it can be seen and finally, the treeline in the background of 2 and 3 would appear to match that in Dénes' image.

Given all of the above, I do think it is the same aircraft in all images and therefore the location would apply to all.



Larry Hickey 18th May 2014 08:56

Re: Can you solve a 6.(S)/LG2 mystery and be my hero?

Thanx for your help. The photos that you posted are all the same aircraft and crash: L2+DP. The problem is that we have about four place locations for it from various photo captions posted on eBay. St Pol is one of them, but there are actually no crashes in NE France during May-June that fit that area and 6 Staffel. The most likely incidents took place in central Belgium for 6.(S)/LG2 around the middle of May. So these captions have made the actual identity of this crash quite problematic. I have at least a dozen different photos of this crash in the EoE DB now, including these four, and we've now confirmed a W.Nr. for L2+DP, but still not the date and location. This wreck was considerably disturbed over the course of the various photos, including being entirely turned over, but they are all the same incident. Perhaps this was done to remove the trapped body of a deceased pilot. The backgrounds are identical.

Pieter H 18th May 2014 18:45

Re: Seeking SN of 88 SQ Fairey Battle RHoR abandoned in Hangar at Mourmelon AF, France, during May, 1940
Larry, back to your first question, I would say from the picture that the RH-L was the L5527. But that serial doesn't appear in any of my listings, so as always not 100% sure.

Regards, Pieter

Larry Hickey 18th May 2014 19:36

Re: Seeking SN of 88 SQ Fairey Battle RHoR abandoned in Hangar at Mourmelon AF, France, during May, 1940

Thanx, I'll make sure that this gets passed on to the FB Team that is working on this part of the EoE Project. Will let you know what they think.

Martin Gleeson 18th May 2014 21:34

Re: Seeking SN of 88 SQ Fairey Battle RHoR abandoned in Hangar at Mourmelon AF, France, during May, 1940

You are correct about L5527 as it never saw service in France nor with any operational squadron.
If you can read part of the serial as 'L552.' then it is probably L5526 which was apparently destroyed or badly damaged on 10 May 1940. On Larry's photo I think the last two digits could be '77' but this cannot be correct as no 88 Squadron Fairey Battle serial number ended with that combination.

How much of the serial number in Larry's photo can you see ?



Larry Hickey 20th May 2014 22:44

Can anyone confirm that Oblt Horst Freiherr von Grote succeeded Adolf Galland as Sta Kap of 4.(S)/LG2 in 02.40?

I've got conflicting information on the career of Oblt Horst Freiherr von Grote for the 1939-40 period. Some reports have him as being appointed Sta Kap of 4.(S)/LG2 26.06.40. He won the RK on 21.07.40, but is not listed in the standard RK reference works. However, there is good reason to believe that he replaced Adolf Galland as Sta Kap of 4 Staffel circa 17.02.40, when Galland transferred from 4 Staffel to the Stab of JG27 and switched from the Hs123 to flying the Bf109.

Does anyone know if v. Grote's FB has survived, or if there is any other documentation of him taking over from Galland when he left that unit?

I know that all the standard reference works and even his personnel records have Galland as the Sta Kap of 5.(S)/LG2 during this period, but that info is wrong. His FB from 08.39 through 02.40 makes it certain that he was the Sta Kap of 4 Staffel, not 5 Staffel. Hptm Otto Weiss was the Sta Kap of 5 Staffel until the death of the Gr Kdr on 09.09.39, when Weiss apparently moved up to replace him. Again the standard reference works on the career of Weiss apparently have this wrong.

Can anyone clear up the date when someone took over 4 Staffel from Galland and if that was, in fact, von Grote? Can anyone confirm that Hptm Otto Weiss immediately took over the Gruppe when Maj. Spielvogel was KIA on 09 Sept 1939, although some sources have this as late as 12.39. John Weal in his history of the unit (Osprey) says Weiss took over on 10.09.39, and I think that this and our EoE research is correct.

Who can help?

O.Menu 21st May 2014 20:13

Re: Can anyone confirm that Oblt Horst Freiherr von Grote succeeded Adolf Galland as Sta Kap of 4.(S)/LG2 in 02.40?
Hi Larry,

From my readings I have Neudörffer taking the relay from 14 Sept 39 up to 1 Dec 39 between Spielvogel and Weiss...

And Grotte taking the relay from Galland (J.Weal source I think) but I prefer your version which better explain why 4.(S)/LG2 got the smoking Mickey as emblem :-)


Larry Hickey 22nd May 2014 20:03

Seeking source for WIA report for Lt Georg Dörffel, pilot in 5.(S)/LG2

In working on the casualty reports for II.(S)/LG2 for the Western Campaign I found this entry in John Weal's book "Luftwaffe Schlachtgruppen" by Osprey for 14 May 1940:

"a third Hs123 crashed after being severely damaged by anti-aircrafat fire over Tirelmont, to the south-east off Louvain. The pilot, Leutnant Georg Dörffel of 5 Staffel, escaped with slight injuries. He was soon back in action only to be wounded a second time and forced down at St Pol exactly a fortnight later (hardly an auspicious debut for someone who was to become one of the three greats of the Schlact arm, winning the Oak Leaves and rising to the command of a Geschwader before being killed in action in Italy in 1944)."

In digging into the further, I found in "Die Ritterkreuzträger der Luftwaffe 1939-1945, Band II Stuka - und Schlchtflieger," P. 46, pilot's bio for Obstlt Georg Dörffel:

"...Mit wurde er an 14,5,1940 bei Tirlemont (Belgien) und im Juni 1940 bei Dünkirchen jeweils verwundet abgeschossen...," which may well be the source of Weal's information.

We find two documented losses for the unit that day:

"14 May 1940 Western Front: 5.(S)/LG2 Henschel Hs123 A-1. Shot down by No.607 Squadron Hurricanes near Saint-Germain 10.55 a.m. FF Uffz Karl-Siegfried Lückel wounded. Aircraft 100% write-off.

14 May 1940 Western Front: 5.(S)/LG2 Henschel Hs123 A-1. Shot down by No.607 Squadron Hurricanes near Saint-Germain 10.55 a.m. FF Lt Georg Ritter believed wounded. Aircraft 100% write-off.
One of these aircraft landed intact at ‘Le Gibet’, Jausselette, east of Perwez, the other exploded on impact behind the Godechoul Farm on the road to Grand-Rosière-Hottomont."

Peter Cornwell has researched the Dörffel reports but finds: "No mention of this loss in the relevant QMG Returns nor the NVM for II.(S)/LG2. It is not included in either Jim Perry’s nor Matti Salonen’s listings so I must remain dubious. Also the NVM confirms that the other two losses were due to fighter attack and not AA fire as stated by Weal. ‘Slight injuries’ could explain absence from the NVM..."

Does anyone have any further documentation on this incident? We have photos of a 5.(S)/LG2 Hs123, L2+BN, that belly landed during May, reportedly in the area of ""Gembloux," Belgium. This doesn't seem to match the reports of the incidents that we accept on 14 May. But this could also be the Dörffel incident, if it can be substantiated. Can anyone provide further documentation on the location, date and/or pilot of the "Gembloux" belly landing of L2+BN, or otherwise help document the Dörffel incident? At present, Peter is not inclined to add the Dörffel incident to our comprehensive loss/damages DB without further evidence and specifics.

Who can help?

Pieter H 22nd May 2014 23:39

Re: Seeking source for WIA report for Lt Georg Dörffel, pilot in 5.(S)/LG2
Hi Larry, Peter,

I have no answer to your question on Dörffel, but a slight correction to Peter's entries. I think this happened not at 10.55 but 8.55 local time. The 607 Sqn account mentions this timing, and it matches the claims of 4./JG2 (Fw Karl-Heinz Harbauer and Ltn Hans Hahn) at 09.55 German time, which were two 607 Sqn Hurricanes. 9.55 GT was 8.55 BST local time, not 10.55, which is where the error probably comes from.
Similar correction must then be applied to the 607 Sqn entries in Peters list.

Kind regards, Pieter

Pieter H 22nd May 2014 23:51

Re: Seeking SN of 88 SQ Fairey Battle RHoR abandoned in Hangar at Mourmelon AF, France, during May, 1940
Hi Martin,

I think we all have the same picture to look at, but when I zoom in I see with some level of certainty L?5?7. The first number is damaged but I see something circular at the bottom, so 5 not unlikely. The third number is a smudge, so could be anything. Given the series of L5520 aircraft used by No. 88 Sqn that seemed plausible, but am open to any better interpretation.

Regards, Pieter

Martin Gleeson 23rd May 2014 01:56

Re: Seeking SN of 88 SQ Fairey Battle RHoR abandoned in Hangar at Mourmelon AF, France, during May, 1940
Hallo Pieter,

One day I am sure a better photo will reveal the serial !
Meanwhile the last digit of '7' puzzles me. As far as I can tell 88 Squadron had no Battles in use on 10 May 1940 with the serial ending in '7'. On that date also they only had two Battles in the 'L55xx' serial range; L5526 and L5581 which was lost on May 14th.
The search goes on !



Larry Hickey 23rd May 2014 04:23

Re: Seeking source for WIA report for Lt Georg Dörffel, pilot in 5.(S)/LG2

Thanx for the help. I'm sure that Peter C. will sort that out.

In the meantime, I've received four excellent new photos of the aircraft that landed intact at ‘Le Gibet’, Jausselette, east of Perwez. One of them, besides confirming the Perwez location in a caption, notes that it had 50 MG bullet holes in it. Two of the new photos show several German recon motorcycle troops in full combat gear visiting the downed plane, which indicates that it came down very close to the advancing German front line, probably one of the 5 Staffel losses on 14 May. Can anyone confirm when the German front line in Belgium reached the Perwez area? If it was 14 May this would confirm that it is one of the 14 May losses, despite the absence of unit codes (see below).

The photos also show that the a/c did not yet carry a unit code but still had its factory SKZ, apparently GW+MO, on what appears to be a new or newly refurbished a/c. The a/c had apparently been recently assigned as a replacement, possibly to 5.(S)/LG2, just before the WC began, and unit painters had not yet had time to apply either the unit coding or the 5 Staffel insignia before it was shot down. The camouflage paint job looks very crisp and new. Does the Hs123 SKZ GW+MO translate into a specific W.Nr., which would then tell us whether it is an A-1 or a B-1?

Most likely this is either the a/c of Uffz Karl-Siegfried Lückel, or Lt Georg Ritter both of which were WIA and apparently escaped capture. But which one? They apparently came down with 2-3km of each other. Does anyone have photos of a Hs123 crashed and exploded at Grand-Rosière-Hôtômont?

Does anyone have any further info on either of these losses or the possible wounding of Lt. Georg Dörffel on the same day? If the report is accurate, I'm assuming that Dörffel brought his aircraft back to base, which would eliminate the likelyhood of the "Le Gibet" a/c being his. From the five photos we now have it it, we know that this Hs123 sat out in the field for several weeks after landing by the growth of the field crop around it. This means that it should have been carried in the LW reports, at least initially, as a 100% loss, despite appearing to be relatively intact.

Still need some help here.

Larry Hickey 23rd May 2014 05:27

Re: Seeking source for WIA report for Lt Georg Dörffel, pilot in 5.(S)/LG2
Correction to last post:

The SKZ should read GW+NO vice GW+MO.

lilsis 23rd May 2014 13:40

Re: Seeking source for WIA report for Lt Georg Dörffel, pilot in 5.(S)/LG2

From my College for Larry

In an old germn privte script there i the date 17. Mai 1940 for Tienen, in Juni it is St. Pol near Duinkirchen.


Larry Hickey 24th May 2014 22:07

Trying to sort out color profile of Bf110C-1 of Hptm Wolfgang Falck as Gr Kdr of I./ZG1 circa 04.40.

I'm trying to create a profile package for the a/c of Hptm Wolfgang Falck as Gr Kdr of I./ZG1 circa 04.40. This was right after he achieved his 8th victory and while he would have been based at Aalborg-West AF, Denmark. When he took over as Gr Kdr on 19.02.40 from his previous position of Sta Kap of 2./ZG76, he apparently took his old a/c with him, which was coded M8+GK. Photos exist of his starboard tailplane removed due to combat damage (flak or fighters) sometime after his 8th victory in Denmark on 09.04.40. My questions are:

1) Does anyone know the date of the damage to his a/c requiring the removal of his starboard tail fin and rudder? Any circumstances? This has to have been on or later than 09.04.40 as photos of the tail at that time show all eight of his victories to that time applied.

2) A photo from that period shows his a/c code as 2N+GK, with the old M8 unit code painted out and replaced with 2N, the code for ZG1. Was that later repainted with the code 2N+GB?

3) Was his old 2./ZG76 "ladybird" emblem on a white shield still on the aircraft during this period?

4) Was a double chevron Gr Kdr insignia added to his a/c code 2N+GK, as would have been the usual practice with the Stab of I./ZG1?

5) Did Falck get a new aircraft sometime after that but before he moved on to nightfighters in June, 1940?

Any help or photos would be appreciated.

Larry Hickey 24th May 2014 22:26

Need info on accidental attack on German field airfield by Hs123s of II.(S)/LG2 on May 21, 1940

In our EoE work with the German microfilms during the Western Campaign, and trying to match photos with a/c loss/damage reports for the Hs123s of II.(S)/LG2, we've discovered the following incident:

"on 21.5.40: at 20.50 hrs a squadron of Hs 123 mistakenly bombed a (German) field airdrome - at Allonville - where 4.(H)/31 and 2.(H)/23 (were located). 2.(H)/23 suffered 3 KIA , 3 seriously WIA and 4.(H)/31 one seriously wounded. One Hs 126 was heavily damaged. 1 (attacking) Hs 123 was shot down by the AA defense but the pilot was unhurt."

This incident was apparently hushed up at the time and we have no record from LW reports of this probably crash-landed Hs123, including its Staffel or the name of the pilot involved. I know that it's a long shot, but I'm hoping that someone may have run across some further information that would allow us to track down the specifics of this incident, particularly the Staffel involved. Allonville is apparently a town just north of Amiens, France. If the Hs123 force-landed, as appears likely, this could complicate our efforts to match photos of crashes with loss reports, especially since we don't even know the Staffel of the a/c that we're looking for. Its possible someone has run across photos of the damage to the recon unit a/c or a downed Hs123 captioned at or near Allonville, France.

Can anyone help?

Larry Hickey 31st May 2014 19:09

Seeking info on three Do18 crewmen from 2./KüFlGr906 rescued by U-30 on 28.03.40

Seeking crew names/ranks/positions for three men from 2./KüFlGr906 rescued by U-30 on 28.03.40: Ipach, Blanke & Rusch. The U-boat picked these men, plus a known BM, Fw Hans Biegel, up from sea NW of Hörnum after their Do18 force-landed during a search mission on that day.

Does anyone have this information?

lilsis 31st May 2014 19:34

Re: Seeking info on three Do18 crewmen from 2./KüFlGr906 rescued by U-30 on 28.03.40

Ltn. z. S. Hans Harald Ipach
Olt. Elmer Blanke

Modell : Do 18 G
Stammkennzeichen : RU+AY
Verbandkennzeichen : 8 L+GK
Verband : 2./ Kü.Fl.Gr.906
Werknummer : V 862
Verlustdatum : 1940-03-28
Verlustort : Qu. 3441
Verlustgrund : Totalverlust 100%
Chronik : November 1939 – Fertigung bei Weserflug in Einswarden (JP)
November 1939 – an 2./ Küstenfliegergruppe 906 in Hörnum als 8L+GK (2)
28.03.1940 - Qu. 3441, Notlandung wegen Motorschadens.100% (2)

Larry Hickey 31st May 2014 20:37

Re: Seeking info on three Do18 crewmen from 2./KüFlGr906 rescued by U-30 on 28.03.40

Great info! I deeply appreciate your taking the time to answer. This gives us a subtype, W.Nr., and first names and ranks for two of the three people I was seeking. Ipach must be the BO, Blanke the FF, we know the BM, so Rusch must have been the BF, but still lack his rank and first name. Anybody got any further info on him? I've correct my mis-spelling of his name in the original post. It was Rusch, not Rasch.

We're almost there. Besides this info, now all we need is a good photo of 8L+GK. Anybody got a line on that? Just by a wild chance are there any PK photos out there of this crew after they were picked up by U-30? Kind of an interesting story. Is there a good photo of the U-30 out there that would make a good illustration with this story?

Larry Hickey 31st May 2014 20:52

Re: Seeking info on three Do18 crewmen from 2./KüFlGr906 rescued by U-30 on 28.03.40

It occurs to me that you might also have info on these 2./KüFlGr906 Do18s that were damaged by bomb splinters during a night attack by Whitleys of No 51 SQ on 19.03.40. All were repairable. Our source is a just completed EoE translation of the unit KTB for March, 1940:
8L+AK, 8L+EK, 8L+GK (you've provided this), 8L+HK, 8L+KK & 8L+MK.

Do you or anybody else have a/c subtypes, W.Nr.s, extent of damage, photos of damaged planes, or any further narrative accounts of this attack?

lilsis 31st May 2014 21:36

Re: Seeking info on three Do18 crewmen from 2./KüFlGr906 rescued by U-30 on 28.03.40
.Modell : Do 18 D-3
Verbandkennzeichen : 8 L+EK
Verband : 2./ Kü.Fl.Gr.606, 2./ Kü.Fl.Gr.906
Werknummer : V 815
Verlustdatum : 1940-04-11
Verlustzeit : 08.10 h
Verlustort : Qu. 4545
Verlustgrund : gesunken, 100%
Chronik : September 1938 – Fertigung bei Weserflug in Einswarden (JP)
September 1938 - an 2./ Küstenfliegergruppe 606 in Kamp
25.10.1939 – an 2./ Küstenfliegergruppe 906 in Hörnum als 8L+EK (2)
11.04.1940, 08.10h - Qu. 4545 (Kinnairds Head, Schottland) von brit. Lookheed Hudson angeriffen, Notlandung, gesunken, 100% (1,2)
Schicksal Besatzung : Besatzung in engl. Gefangenschaft:
(FF) Fw. Kurt Hinrichs, (B) Ltn.z.S. Helmut Kühl, (HB) Ufw. Otto Klepzig, (BM) Uffz. Werner Budgereit.

lilsis 31st May 2014 21:37

Re: Seeking info on three Do18 crewmen from 2./KüFlGr906 rescued by U-30 on 28.03.40
Modell : Do 18 D-3
Verbandkennzeichen : 8 L+KK
Verband : 2./ Kü.Fl.Gr.606, 2./ Kü.Fl.Gr.906
Werknummer : V 831
Verlustdatum : 1940-04-09
Verlustort : Hörnum
Verlustgrund : Landungsbruch, 100%
Chronik : Januar 1939 – Fertigung bei Weserflug in Einswarden (JP)
Januar 1939 – an 2./ Küstenfliegergruppe 606 in Kamp
25.10.1939 – an 2./ Küstenfliegergruppe 906 in Hörnum als 8L+KK (2)
09.04.1940 - 5 sm südöstl. Hörnum, Bruchlandung durch überschlag, 100% (1,2)
Schicksal Besatzung : † (FF) Uffz. Otto Backhaus, † (Bw) Uffz. August Haupt.
Quellen : Jet&Prop Nr. 5/94, 6/94 (JP)
KTB Gen.d.Lw.b.Ob.d.M. (1)
KTB Gen.d.Lw.b.Ob.d.M. O.Qu.(2)

lilsis 31st May 2014 21:46

Re: Seeking info on three Do18 crewmen from 2./KüFlGr906 rescued by U-30 on 28.03.40
From the Chronik ship " Hans Rolshoven:

Bergung einer notgelandeten He 59, 8L+ NL, Werknr. 2604 (3./ 906) vor Ameland, bei aufnehmen wurde der St.B. Schwimmer eingedrückt.

Bergung eines Wrack, Do 18 D3, 8L+ FK, Werknr. 811, der 2./ Kü.Fl.Gr. 906 vor Terschelling.

Frank Olynyk 1st June 2014 01:51

Re: Seeking info on three Do18 crewmen from 2./KüFlGr906 rescued by U-30 on 28.03.40
You might go to and post about this question, and ask about photos.

Also, the KTBs of the WW2 U-Boats are in the process of being published. There are 12 or 13 volumes published so far (I have none of them). Volume 1 covered U-1 to U-50, but is out of print I believe. They are also available on microfilm from the National Archives. But someone on UBoat Net can probably look up the incident and see what the KTB says. US submarine patrol reports, and deck logs, usually have details of aircrew that they have picked up.



Larry Hickey 1st June 2014 09:31

Re: Seeking info on three Do18 crewmen from 2./KüFlGr906 rescued by U-30 on 28.03.40

As a result of the inputs above by "lilsis" we Peter Cornwell has amended our loss entry for the 10.04.40 loss of 8L+KK. To complete this we still need the first name of the BO, Oblt zer See ____ Manke.

"10 April 1940 North Sea Operations: 2./KüFlGr. 906 Dornier Do18D-3 (831). Crashed attempting forced-landing in Lister Ley, off Morsum Cliff, north of the Hindenburgdamm, on return from long-range night sortie 12.15 a.m. FF Uffz Otto Backhaus and BM Uffz August Haupt both drowned, BO Oberlt zur See [ ] Manke rescued unhurt. Aircraft 8L+KK 100% write-off."

Can anyone provide Manke's first name? "lilsis"?

Matti Salonen 1st June 2014 09:48

Re: Seeking info on three Do18 crewmen from 2./KüFlGr906 rescued by U-30 on 28.03.40
Could it be Rolf Manke, which can be found in Luftwaffe Officers Career Summaries?


Larry Hickey 1st June 2014 10:09

Re: Seeking info on three Do18 crewmen from 2./KüFlGr906 rescued by U-30 on 28.03.40

I took your advice, joined the forum, and posted a request about the 28 March incident. We'll see what happens.


That looks like a BINGO to me. I've passed that on to Peter C.

Very productive responses to this series of requests. Thanx to all, especially "lilsis."

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