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Paul Thompson 15th April 2013 14:24

Question regarding loss of 2 Bomber Gruppenkomandeure on 22 April 1943

While searching the excellent "Luftwaffe Officer Career Summaries" for Luftwaffe losses over the Kuban bridgehead in 1943, I've noticed what appears to be an extraordinary coincidence. The Kommandeure of III./KG 3 and III./KG 27 were lost in this area on the same day, 22 April 1943. Since this is an event of some significance, may I ask the experts on this forum for any information they might have about Luftflotte 4 losses on this day?

The 'Career Summaries' list contains the following information:
"JUNGKLAUS, Siegfried. 12.42 Hptm., appt Kdr. III./KG 3 (to 22.04.43). 22.04.43 MIA – in Ju 88 A-4 (5K+BD) that failed to return from an attack on the Soviet naval base at Poti on the coast of the Black Sea." and "THIEL, Erich. 01.03.42 Maj., appt Kdr. III./KG 27 (to 22.04.43). 22.04.43 KIA – in He 111 H-16 (1G+AD) shot down in Pl.Qu. 7532 by a Russian fighter during a heavy raid on the Black Sea ports of Poti and Gelendzhik. One source claims that he died in captivity."

In August last year, Matti Salonen provided the loss details for Major Thiel's crew - see I've copied them below for ease of reference:

1943-04-22, Stab III/KG 27, He 111H-16, 8476, 1G+AD, 20 km südlich Anapa, 3 km von der Küste (Pl.Qu. 7532), Jägerbeschuß. Bruch 100 %.
Flugzeugführer (Gruppenkommandeur) Major Thiel, Erich, +
Kampfbeobachter Fw Heins, Günther, +
Bordmechaniker Uffz Prätorius, Wilhelm, +
Bordschütze Uffz Deutsch, Hans, +


Paul Thompson

Larry deZeng 15th April 2013 15:59

Re: Question regarding loss of 2 Bomber Gruppenkomandeure on 22 April 1943

Apr 43
[Luftflotte 4 with: I. Fliegerkorps, IV. Fliegerkorps, VIII. Fliegerkorps, Comandamentul Aviatiei de Luptã (Romanian Combat Aviation Command), 102. Repülődandár (Hungarian 102d Air Brigade), Fliegerführer Krim, Seefliegerführer Schwarzes Meer].
N Caucasia and Crimea. Flew in direct support of ground forces in the Kuban bridgehead, attacking troop and armor concentrations, enemy-occupied villages, artillery positions and road columns. Additionally, attacks were continued on rail targets and Black Sea shipping. Air assets were concentrated on a Soviet breakthrough at Krymskaya (Krymsk) on 14 April and provided assistance to ground forces in bringing it to a halt before much penetration had been achieved. Supported an unsuccessful effort by V. Armeekorps to destroy the Novorossisk beachhead (Operation “Neptun”), flying more than 1,464 Stuka sorties on entrenched enemy positions while fighters overhead claimed several hundred Russian planes shot down. I. Fliegerkorps also flew numerous bomber, mine-laying and target illumination missions in support of the operation. Similar concentrated air support was flown for XXXXIV. Armeekorps from 28 April following another enemy attempt to break through German defensive positions around Krymskaya, which was highlighted by a heavy Soviet night air attack on the town 29/30 April. On those two days alone – 29 and 30 April – Luftwaffe fighters claimed 95 victories over the battlefield area. But the defenders were slowly driven back and Krymskaya was taken by the Russians on 5 May.


Paul Thompson 15th April 2013 16:26

Re: Question regarding loss of 2 Bomber Gruppenkomandeure on 22 April 1943

Originally Posted by Larry deZeng (Post 165161)
On those two days alone – 29 and 30 April – Luftwaffe fighters claimed 95 victories over the battlefield area. But the defenders were slowly driven back and Krymskaya was taken by the Russians on 5 May.


Dear Larry,

Thank you very much for your input and for writing the Career Summaries! It's a pleasure to be able to seek answers from specialists!

The Summaries list officer losses in the Kuban or Caucasus area all the way from 13 February (Oblt. Gustav Denk) to 19 August (Hptm. Heinz Holzmann). I think that roughly matches the period of large-scale air battles over the area, which ended once the Germans began their retreat from the Ukraine. There are a few incidents in your "Ground-Attack Units" volumes which relate to the later period after 5 May.

Coming back to April 1943, may I ask if you have anything to add regarding Luftwaffe losses on 11 April? Notable aces Ofw. Willi Nemitz and Oblt. Albrecht Walz were both shot down on this date, so again I wonder whether there were large German losses, or if this was just a coincidence.


Paul Thompson

Matti Salonen 15th April 2013 16:31

Re: Question regarding loss of 2 Bomber Gruppenkomandeure on 22 April 1943
Loss info on Hptm Jungklaus' crew:
1943-04-22, Stab III/KG 3, Ju 88A-4, 144615, 5K+BD, Poti, Unbekannt um 18.45 Uhr. Bruch 100 %.
Flugzeugführer (Gruppenkommandeur) Hptm Jungklaus, Siegfried, vermißt
Beobachter Olt Röbert, Johannes, vermißt
Bordfunker Uffz Lenz, Alois, vermißt
Bordschütze Fw Oerter, Theodor, vermißt


Larry deZeng 15th April 2013 17:24

Re: Question regarding loss of 2 Bomber Gruppenkomandeure on 22 April 1943
Hi Paul,

Thanks for the kind comments!

There doesn't seem to have been anything of note going on during 11 April. But KTB/OKW does state that the port of Poti was hit the evening of 22 April by a large force of bombers under Luftflotte 4. Several fires in the harbor and numerous hits in the inner basin were observed.

There are several members here who have all Luftwaffe losses in easily accessible data bases in which they could look up 11 April and 22 April for you and list all of the losses in the North Caucasia area. Unfortunately, my data is all on microfilm and it would take more hours than I have to dig it out.

Hopefully, one of these fellows will step forward and answer your questions for 11 and 22 April.


Paul Thompson 15th April 2013 19:22

Re: Question regarding loss of 2 Bomber Gruppenkomandeure on 22 April 1943

Originally Posted by Larry deZeng (Post 165167)
Hi Paul,

Thanks for the kind comments!

There doesn't seem to have been anything of note going on during 11 April. But KTB/OKW does state that the port of Poti was hit the evening of 22 April by a large force of bombers under Luftflotte 4. Several fires in the harbor and numerous hits in the inner basin were observed.

There are several members here who have all Luftwaffe losses in easily accessible data bases in which they could look up 11 April and 22 April for you and list all of the losses in the North Caucasia area. Unfortunately, my data is all on microfilm and it would take more hours than I have to dig it out.

Hopefully, one of these fellows will step forward and answer your questions for 11 and 22 April.


Dear Larry,

You're welcome! Thank you for the additional information about Poti, it looks like Jungklaus and Thiel were lost on an important mission, which makes things even more interesting! Having tried to remember other instances when two bomber Kommandeure were lost on the same day, I could only think of Paepcke and Kollewe over Malta on 17 October 1942. Do you know of any other cases? If there were only these two, it would make the Kuban incident all the more remarkable.

I understand the microfilm issue very well, my limited experience of reading them greatly increases my respect for researchers who wade through them!


Originally Posted by Matti Salonen (Post 165163)
Loss info on Hptm Jungklaus' crew:


Dear Matti,

Thank you for stepping in once again! A comparison of the loss locations indicates that the aircraft were lost a long distance from one another. It’s interesting that the cause of the Jungklaus loss is listed as “unknown”, yet a precise time is given. Is this a common occurrence in the records and if so, could it suggest a non-combat loss?

May I ask if you have other Luftwaffe losses listed for the 11 or 22 April in this area? I’ve had a look at Andreas Brekken’s summary loss lists and they state that 5 aircraft were lost by Jagdgeschwader 3 and 52 on 11 April, but there is no information for the 22nd.


Paul Thompson

Larry deZeng 15th April 2013 20:06

Re: Question regarding loss of 2 Bomber Gruppenkomandeure on 22 April 1943
Paul T. wrote in part:

Having tried to remember other instances when two bomber Kommandeure were lost on the same day, I could only think of Paepcke and Kollewe over Malta on 17 October 1942. Do you know of any other cases? If there were only these two, it would make the Kuban incident all the more remarkable.

No, Paul, I sure don't. It's just not something that I would have been on the lookout for as I trawled my way through the Luftwaffe records.

There might be some more information on the 22 April raid in:

Waiss, Walter. Boelcke Archiv, Band V: Chonik Kampfgeschwader Nr. 27 Boelcke, Teil 4: 01.01.1943 – 31.12.1943.

This title would have been published just 3 or 4 years ago and had a very tiny press run, perhaps no more than 600 copies or so. It's therefore quite rare, but perhaps someone here might have it and could look up 22 April 1943 for you. Did you lose a family member in this raid, or is it just curiosity?


Paul Thompson 15th April 2013 22:45

Re: Question regarding loss of 2 Bomber Gruppenkomandeure on 22 April 1943

Originally Posted by Larry deZeng (Post 165181)
No, Paul, I sure don't. It's just not something that I would have been on the lookout for as I trawled my way through the Luftwaffe records.

There might be some more information on the 22 April raid in:

Waiss, Walter. Boelcke Archiv, Band V: Chonik Kampfgeschwader Nr. 27 Boelcke, Teil 4: 01.01.1943 – 31.12.1943.

This title would have been published just 3 or 4 years ago and had a very tiny press run, perhaps no more than 600 copies or so. It's therefore quite rare, but perhaps someone here might have it and could look up 22 April 1943 for you. Did you lose a family member in this raid, or is it just curiosity?



That's fine, the only reason I asked is that your books often mention the losses of formation leaders. I would of course be glad if someone quoted that very rare Weiss volume, but since I don't have a personal connection to or research interest in the matter, I don't think I can lay claim to that much of somebody's time. The reason I became interested in the Kuban bridgehead specifically is because the operational-level air actions in that area are given much attention in Soviet sources, as described in this book:

Hardesty, V., & Grinberg, I. Red Phoenix Rising: The Soviet Air Force in World War II. University Press of Kansas.

In the absence of any campaign history, I am trying to use any proxy sources that I come across to try to gauge whether these battles had a significant influence on the course of the air war or not. Of course, whatever happened on 22 April doesn't answer this question one way or another, but I thought that is worthwhile to try to establish the facts of this particular day, because the prominent casualties make it interesting for its own sake.


Paul Thompson

Andrey Kuznetsov 15th April 2013 22:55

Re: Question regarding loss of 2 Bomber Gruppenkomandeure on 22 April 1943

Originally Posted by Matti Salonen (Post 165163)
Loss info on Hptm Jungklaus' crew:
1943-04-22, Stab III/KG 3, Ju 88A-4, 144615, 5K+BD, Poti, Unbekannt um 18.45 Uhr. Bruch 100 %.
Flugzeugführer (Gruppenkommandeur) Hptm Jungklaus, Siegfried, vermißt
Beobachter Olt Röbert, Johannes, vermißt
Bordfunker Uffz Lenz, Alois, vermißt
Bordschütze Fw Oerter, Theodor, vermißt


Hello Matti,

This Ju88 was claimed by Poti AA Defence.
Oerter became a POW. From his words, Ju88 have ditched in the sea due to technical failure before the bombing of the Poti (it was doubtful for interrogators). Jungklaus drowned [why?] with his Ju88 in the sea, the rest of crew reached the land but Beobachter and Bordschütze have drowned during the river crossing.

Best regards,

Paul Thompson 16th April 2013 00:51

Re: Question regarding loss of 2 Bomber Gruppenkomandeure on 22 April 1943

Originally Posted by Andrey Kuznetsov (Post 165186)
Hello Matti,

This Ju88 was claimed by Poti AA Defence.
Oerter became a POW. From his words, Ju88 have ditched in the sea due to technical failure before the bombing of the Poti (it was doubtful for interrogators). Jungklaus drowned [why?] with his Ju88 in the sea, the rest of crew reached the land but Beobachter and Bordschütze have drowned during the river crossing.

Best regards,

Dear Andrey,

Thank you, that's very interesting! Did the Soviet side capture any more prisoners that day? According to the quote in the first post, a source claimed that Thiel also became a POW.


Paul Thompson

Matti Salonen 16th April 2013 09:14

Re: Question regarding loss of 2 Bomber Gruppenkomandeure on 22 April 1943
Thanks Andrey for additional info. Here the rest I have for those days:

1943-04-22, Fl.Führer Krim, Bf 110E-2, 4397, Pl.Qu. 7657, Flakbeschuß. Bruch 20 %.
1943-04-22, 15./JG 52, Bf 109G-2, 13761, 5, Motorstörung. Pl.Qu. 76772, Bruch 20 %.
1943-04-22, III/KG 3, Ju 88A-4, 144500, Fl.Pl. Bagerowo, Fahrwerkschaden. Bruch 30 %.
1943-04-22, III/KG 51, Ju 88A-4, 144213, Fl.Pl. Samorsk, Fahrwerkschaden. Bruch 75 %.
1943-04-22, III/KG 51, Ju 88A-4, 883772, Fl.Pl. Bagerowo, Fahrwerkschaden. Bruch 30 %.
1943-04-22, III/KG 55, He 111H-16, 8327, Fl.Pl. Samorsk, Reifenschaden bei Landung. Bruch 50 %.

1943-04-11, 5./JG 3, Bf 109G-2, 13599, Werchno, Notlandung. Bruch 30 %.
1943-04-11, 8./JG 3, Bf 109G-4, 14877, Ssirotzkij, südwestlich Temrjuk (Pl.Qu. 76/7/2), Notlandung infolge Motorstörung. Bruch 100 %.
Flugzeugführer Gefr Nettingsmeier, Wilhelm, verletzt
1943-04-11, Stab JG 3, Bf 109G-4, 19507, < 3, Schibik I, Südwestlich Abinskaja (Pl.Qu. 85/143), Absturz um 12.15 Uhr nach Luftkampf mit LaGG-3.
Bruch 100 %.
Flugzeugführer Olt Walz, Albrecht, +
1943-04-11, 5./JG 52, Bf 109G-2, 14822, Fl.Pl. Anapa, Beim Start ausgebrochen. Bruch 15 %.
1943-04-11, 6./JG 52, Bf 109G-4, 14898, 3 gelbe, 3 km nördlich Nishne-Bakanskaja bei Krimskaja (Pl.Qu. 75261), Absturz um 10.40 Uhr nach Luftkampf. Bruch 100 %.
Flugzeugführer (Staffelführer) Ofw Nemitz, Willi, +
1943-04-11, 7./JG 52, Bf 109G-4, 15208, Fl.Pl. Aman, Beim Start ausgebrochen. Bruch 75 %.
1943-04-11, 15./JG 52, Bf 109G-2, 13630, 2, Fl.Pl. Taman, Beim Start ausgebrochen. Bruch 60 %.
Flugzeugführer Lt Vice, Nikola, verletzt
1943-04-11, 5./KG 55, He 111H-16, 8480, G1+FN, Bei Fl.Pl. Saki, Absturz bei Landung. Bruch 100 %.
Flugzeugführer Lt Kobs, Heinz, +
Beobachter Uffz Gräler, Gustav, +
Bordfunker Uffz Linke, Fritz, +
Bordmechaniker Fw Hirschmann, Ulrich, +
Bordschütze Gefr Porst, Ernst, +


Andrey Kuznetsov 16th April 2013 12:46

Re: Question regarding loss of 2 Bomber Gruppenkomandeure on 22 April 1943
Hello Paul,


Originally Posted by Paul Thompson (Post 165187)
Did the Soviet side capture any more prisoners that day? According to the quote in the first post, a source claimed that Thiel also became a POW.

No. BF from He111H-16 1G+AD was saved by Romanians, the rest of the crew have drowned.

Correction to the Ju88 off Poti: Beobachter and Bordfunker, not BS, have drowned. My typo, sorry.

By the way, results of the Poti raid were poor, mainly due to use of smokescreens. A fuel oil pipeline was damaged. Visual effect was probably impressive but damage was insignificant.

Matti, thank your for the lists 11. and 22.Apr.43. Some details are unknown for me.

1943-04-11, 6./JG 52, Bf 109G-4, 14898 ... Absturz um 10.40 Uhr nach Luftkampf.
"10.40 Uhr" - is it the exact time? What is the source?
Can't find corresponding Soviet claim despite numerous claims during that day. It is strange, commonly were several clams per one real loss.

Best regards,

Matti Salonen 16th April 2013 13:23

Re: Question regarding loss of 2 Bomber Gruppenkomandeure on 22 April 1943
According to my notes from NVM.


Andrey Kuznetsov 16th April 2013 14:31

Re: Question regarding loss of 2 Bomber Gruppenkomandeure on 22 April 1943
Thank you, Matti!

Some Soviet claims are with the uncertain time. Hope to find additional documents this year.

Best regards,

Paul Thompson 16th April 2013 19:18

Re: Question regarding loss of 2 Bomber Gruppenkomandeure on 22 April 1943

Originally Posted by Matti Salonen (Post 165200)
Thanks Andrey for additional info. Here the rest I have for those days:



Thank you very much for taking the time to provide that comprehensive list! Clearly there was a lot of bomber activity on 22 April, but just the three aircraft lost, which is a small number for this period of the war. The losses on the 11th don’t appear to have been much more significant. Perhaps the Luftwaffe was experiencing serviceability problems, so experienced crews flew a large share of the missions. A look at Michael Holm’s website seems to support this hypothesis, III./KG3 in particular had few aircraft available.


Originally Posted by Andrey Kuznetsov (Post 165217)
Hello Paul,

No. BF from He111H-16 1G+AD was saved by Romanians, the rest of the crew have drowned.

Correction to the Ju88 off Poti: Beobachter and Bordfunker, not BS, have drowned. My typo, sorry.

By the way, results of the Poti raid were poor, mainly due to use of smokescreens. A fuel oil pipeline was damaged. Visual effect was probably impressive but damage was insignificant.

Best regards,

Hello Andrey,

Thank you very much! It must have been difficult to survive a ditching in the Black Sea. The information about Poti is interesting, I didn't know that Soviet forces used large-scale air defence smokescreens at this stage of the war. Was this a routine measure, or was it a trial?

Since I get the impression that you are researching this air battle, may I ask whether you think that it was a significant influence on later events, in terms of its effect on the relative effect on the strength of the German and Soviet forces?


Paul Thompson

Andrey Kuznetsov 16th April 2013 20:19

Re: Question regarding loss of 2 Bomber Gruppenkomandeure on 22 April 1943
Hello Paul,


Originally Posted by Paul Thompson (Post 165225)
I didn't know that Soviet forces used large-scale air defence smokescreens at this stage of the war. Was this a routine measure, or was it a trial?

A routine measure. And AA fire, of course, played the role.


Originally Posted by Paul Thompson (Post 165225)
whether you think that it was a significant influence on later events, in terms of its effect on the relative effect on the strength of the German and Soviet forces?

The research in the process. I don't want to make the premature conclusions.


Paul Thompson 16th April 2013 22:30

Re: Question regarding loss of 2 Bomber Gruppenkomandeure on 22 April 1943

Originally Posted by Andrey Kuznetsov (Post 165226)
Hello Paul,

A routine measure. And AA fire, of course, played the role.

The research in the process. I don't want to make the premature conclusions.



Thank you for clarifying. I'll await the results of your research! In the meantime, I've copied below the chronological list of officer casualties that I extracted from 'Career Summaries', most of which should be connected to the Kuban fighting. I am sure there are a couple of superfluous names and many more absent ones, but here it is, perhaps it is of some use:

DENK, Gustav. 13.02.43 KIA – Bf 109 G-2 (Black 13 or Yellow 2) hit by Russian AA fire and blew up in the air during a low-level attack near Krasnodar in North Caucasia.
BIBRA, Ernst, Freiherr von. 15.02.43 MIA – in Ju 88 A-4 (9K+BD) that crashed vic Slavyansk in North Caucasia.
ICKENROTH, ? . c.03.43 Hptm., Staka “He 111 Staffel” KIA during Kuban bridgehead supply operations.
KRÄUSSEL, Oskar. 06.03.43 in KGr.z.b.V. 172, KIA – in Ju 52 crash in the vicinity of Varenikovskaja in the Taman Peninsula area.
SCHWEITZER, Hans. 19.03.43 - † in crash in Black Sea in Hs 126 (TL+VK))
NEMITZ, Willi (“Altvater”). 11.04.43 KIA – in Bf 109 G-6 shot down by Russian fighters near Anapa in North Caucasia.
WALZ, Albrecht. 11.04.43, KIA - Bf 109 G-4 (Black <3+-) shot down by a LaGG-3 SW of Abiskaya in Pl.Qu. 85143 in N Caucasia.
JUNGKLAUS, Siegfried. 22.04.43 MIA – in Ju 88 A-4 (5K+BD) that failed to return from an attack on the Soviet naval base at Poti on the coast of the Black Sea.
THIEL, Erich. 22.04.43 KIA – in He 111 H-16 (1G+AD) shot down in Pl.Qu. 7532 by a Russian fighter during a heavy raid on the Black Sea ports of Poti and Gelendzhik. One source claims that he died in captivity.
LUEG (LÜG), Albrecht. 28.04.43 Hptm. and Staka 7.(H)/Aufkl.Gr. 32, MIA in Fw 189 A-3 shot down by AA fire over the Taman Peninsula.
HABERDA, Helmut. 08.05.43 Lt., 5./JG 52 KIA in air combat (other sources say by AA fire over Kuban) - Bf 109 G-4 (Black 7 + -) W of Krymsk.
EHRENBERG, Ernst. 10.05.43 Hptm. in III./JG 52, KIA – Bf 109 G-4 (yellow 8) hit by AA fire over Taman; he drowned near the shore of the Black Sea apparently tangled in his parachute.
KOCH, Ernst. 13.05.43 Hptm. and Kdr. III./KG 4, KIA – in He 111 H (5J+FD) that crashed into the Black Sea soon after take-off from Saki/Crimea.
BOOS, Johann. 16.05.43 Ofw. in 9./KG 55, POW - in He 111 H-16 (G1+AY) that failed to return from a raid on the railway station in Krapotkin/N Caucasia (another account says the railway station at Armavir) - evaded capture for three days.
RITZENBERGER, Karl. 24.05.43 Oblt., 6./JG 52 lost Bf 109 G-4 (Yellow 10 + -) crashed into the sea off Noworossijsk, 40 km SE of Anapa.
MIETHIG, Rudolf. 10.06.43 KIA – Bf 109 G-2 (Yellow 1) collided with a Russian plane over the Taman Peninsula and plunged to his death.
HARTMANN, Helmut. 11.06.43 Oblt. and pilot in 2.(F)/Aufkl.Gr. 100, MIA – in Ju 88 D-1 that failed to return from a recce of the Tikhoretsk area in North Caucasia.
BRENNER, Günter. 18.06.43 Oblt. and Beobachter (observer) in Nachtaufkl.St. 4, MIA – in Do 217 K that failed to return from a recce mission over the Slavyansk – Krasnodar – Timoshevskaya area in North Caucasia.
LEITERITZ, Walter. 02.07.43 KIA – in BV 138 that failed to return from a patrol over the Black Sea.
QUAST, Werner (“Quax”). 07.08.43 POW – rammed by an Il-2 over the Black Sea coast, baled out and captured by the Russians.
HOLZMANN, Heinz. 19.08.43 Hptm. (Beobachter) and Staka 1.(H)/Aufkl.Gr. 21, MIA – in Fw 189 A-2 shot down by AA fire over the Taman Peninsula in North Caucasia.
LÜDERS, Günther. 19.08.43 in 1.(H)/Aufkl.Gr. 21 (NAGr. 9), MIA – in Fw 189 A-2 shot down by AA fire over the Taman Peninsula area.


Paul Thompson

Andrey Kuznetsov 17th April 2013 20:02

Re: Question regarding loss of 2 Bomber Gruppenkomandeure on 22 April 1943

Originally Posted by Paul Thompson (Post 165231)
BRENNER, Günter. 18.06.43 Oblt. and Beobachter (observer) in Nachtaufkl.St. 4, MIA – in Do 217 K that failed to return from a recce mission over the Slavyansk – Krasnodar – Timoshevskaya area in North Caucasia.

This Do217 was certainly downed by AA armoured train. It's W.Nr mentioned in the Soviet documents correctly.

Best regards,

Paul Thompson 17th April 2013 21:11

Re: Question regarding loss of 2 Bomber Gruppenkomandeure on 22 April 1943

Originally Posted by Andrey Kuznetsov (Post 165277)
This Do217 was certainly downed by AA armoured train. It's W.Nr mentioned in the Soviet documents correctly.

Best regards,


Thank you for the additional detail! Where was the train stationed? Do you have any information about the Johann Boos loss on 16 May? It's surprising he evaded capture for several days deep in Soviet territory.


Paul Thompson

Andrey Kuznetsov 17th April 2013 21:58

Re: Question regarding loss of 2 Bomber Gruppenkomandeure on 22 April 1943
Hello Paul,


Originally Posted by Paul Thompson (Post 165278)
Where was the train stationed?

The armoured train was the mobile system :)

Timoshevskaya station was without AA defence at that time, and German recce a/c flew over the station night by night on the low level and bombed it from time to time. To change the situation, AA train was moved from Kropotkin. Then Do217 have used this stereotype tactics ones again, the AA train have downed him by suddenly opened fire at close range.


Originally Posted by Paul Thompson (Post 165278)
Do you have any information about the Johann Boos loss on 16 May? It's surprising he evaded capture for several days deep in Soviet territory.

Not surprising. It is a great steppe, land with sparse population and sparse military posts.


Paul Thompson 17th April 2013 22:45

Re: Question regarding loss of 2 Bomber Gruppenkomandeure on 22 April 1943

Originally Posted by Andrey Kuznetsov (Post 165279)
Hello Paul,

The armoured train was the mobile system :)

Timoshevskaya station was without AA defence at that time, and German recce a/c flew over the station night by night on the low level and bombed it from time to time. To change the situation, AA train was moved from Kropotkin. Then Do217 have used this stereotype tactics ones again, the AA train have downed him by suddenly opened fire at close range.

Not surprising. It is a great steppe, land with sparse population and sparse military posts.


Hello Andrey,

I see, so it was a deliberate ambush. Some very poor mission planning on the part of the Germans, but they probably felt safe in the dark in the absence of night fighters. I suppose it still happens, there is a faint similarity with the F-117 shoot down in 1999, when stereotypical tactics were also responsible.

You are right about the steppe, I suppose Boos' years of military experience also helped.


Paul Thompson

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