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Andy Mitchell 7th February 2010 18:11

I have added a new page to the Wiki covering Athens-Tatoi.

I still have to complete adding the information from the Crashed Enemy Aircraft report.

However, if anyone can assist in expanding the limited information on the airfield it would be greatly appreciated. As an example, I am missing all reference to ground units other than the FliegerhorstKommandantur.

Many thanks

byron- 7th February 2010 19:07

Re: Athens-Tatoi
Hi Andy,

Here some infos about Tatoi

Fl.H.Kdtr. (E mot.) 6/VI / Tatoi, Athen (01.05.41-Ende 05.41) Fp.Nr. 26 180

dem VIII. Fl.Korps angeschlossen
Kdr., 05.41 Hptm. Krümmelbein

Fl.H.Kdtr. (E) 27/XII u. Fl.H.Kp. / Tatoi, Athen (07.41-10.42) Fp.Nr. 32 592

Kdr., 07.41 Hptm. Gutjahr
Kdr., ab 15.10.42 Major Otto Kapff
Offz. z.b.V., Oblt. Martin Richter, 15.04.42 Selbstmord begangen
Flugleit.Offz., 10.42 Oblt. Boyster, Hptm. Nother

Fl.H.Kdtr. A 203/IV / Tatoi (10.42-04.43)
Kdr., Major Otto Kapff
Wewa, bis 14.02.43 Insp.Mecir, dann Wewa Maleme, ab 02.02.43 Insp. Stange u. Insp. Hübner

Fl.H.Kdtr. A 211/III / Tatoi (04.43-01.04.44)
Kdr., 06.04.43-14.02.44 Major Ulrich Keilhauer
Oblt. (Reg.Insp.) Heinrich Meissinger (+) 10.10.43 Bombenwurf Tatoi

Fl.H.Kdtr. A 106/XVII / Tatoi (01.04.44-10.44)
Kdr., ab 15.06.44 Obstlt. Karl-Heinz Moelle

byron- 7th February 2010 19:26

Re: Athens-Tatoi
and some ground units

Ln.Stelle E 106/XVII (1941-07.42) Fl.H.Kdtr. Tatoi, Fp.Nr. 32 592
Leiter, Oblt. Arnold Schoppmann, (v.) 13.10.43

Flgh.Betr.Kp. KG. 26, 5. Kp. (05.41-03.42) Kp.Chef, 38-42 Hptm. Gustav Paustian / Tatoi

Landschutz-Zug d. Lw. 227/VI (ab 09.1942) 13.04.43 von Argos nach Tatoi Fp.Nr. 51 028

Alp.Berg.Trupp d.Lw. 1/XVII (1941-1942) 11.04.42 aus Sedes in Tatoi eingetr. Fp.Nr. 34 414

Gen.Luftzeugmeister,Verb.St. (1941-1944) Tatoi, Athen, Fp.Nr. 38 698

Andy Mitchell 7th February 2010 19:30

Re: Athens-Tatoi

Thanks once again for the information.

Larry deZeng 7th February 2010 21:02

Re: Athens-Tatoi
Could Andy please share with us the URL for this citation from his airfield postings?

World War II Chronology - Military Intellegence Division, US War Department

Several attempts to find it have failed due to there being quite a few that answer to this title. Perhaps it is incorrectly cited?

Thanks in advance,


Andy Mitchell 8th February 2010 00:13

Re: Athens-Tatoi

They were a pain in the proverbial to locate last time and have so proved again.......

They are in pdf form and can be downloaded from the WWII Operational Documents section of the Combined Arms Research Library

This section contains a wealth of documents relating to both the European and Pacific wars principally relating ground and naval operations but also including items on USAAF operations and various items on the Luftwaffe.

Example - Sept 1944 World War II Chronology - Military Intellegence Division, US War Department -
(a) Link to the page listing several of these documents -,961

(b) link direct to the document page -

(c) as in this case most of the documents are in several sections (see links to the left of the page). This document totals 347 pages covering sections on North and Latin American Theatres, Eastern European, Mediterranean, Asiatic, Pacific Ocean, Southwest Pacific and closes with a review of the Political, Ecomonic and Psychological situation at that time.

(d) So far I have only used these documents in relation to Valence, Eleusis and Tatoi however they contain a large amount of information.

(e) Note not all of the monthly chronologies are present on this site - however see my comments below regarding the The Army Air Forces in World War II: Combat Chronology.

Another document with less detail, but probably created from the same information source is this - covering the USAAF operations in the Med. Now this is an online document but I have also downloaded a complete chronology of approx 900+ pages from this URL The Army Air Forces in World War II: Combat Chronology

Hope that this explains some of the sources. Larry, if you feel my citations require amending please let me know.

Larry deZeng 8th February 2010 00:34

Re: Athens-Tatoi
Thanks for the reply and clarification, Andy.

Many if not most here are familiar with the U.S. Army Air Forces in World War II: Combat Chronology and Eric Hammel's Air War Europa Chronology (Pacifica Press, 1994), in fact, I'm looking at both of them right now on my bookshelf. But your entries for Eleusis and Tatoi were much more numerous and included bomb tonnage on target, which the two works I just noted do not have, and that's what caught my eye. I knew you had located a much more detailed source but I could not find it for love nor money. Now I know why. That site is absolutely the most difficult web site to navigate and find thing on that I have ever seen. It was created eons ago, in fact before the personal computers were in wide use, and they never changed the operating software to make it user friendly. I shudder just thinking about having to go there and look for something.

So thanks for providing some links to exactly where you found the detailed raid data. When I have more time tomorrow, I will go there armed with your links and see if I can get to it. Right now, though, it's Super Bowl time in the Z.I., which is the equivalent of your Euro Cup and World Cup combined with maybe a Manchester vs Liverpool match thrown in on top of it.

So off I go.


P.S. Here is what I had on Tatoi - except for some more air and ground units, it's much the same as what Byron provided:

Tatoi (GR) (a.k.a. Athens-Tatoi) (c. 38 06 N – 23 47 E)
General: airfield 15 km N of Athens near the town of Akharnaí in SE Greece. Attacked on 8 December 1943 (by 15th AAF B-24s); 14 December (by 33 B-24s); 15 September 1944 (by B-24s); 24 September (by B-24s).
Air Units: III./JG 52, 8./JG 27, Stab, I. u.II./ZG 26, III./KG 3, II. u.III./KG 76, 3.(F)/Aufkl.Gr. 33, Stab/FAGr. 4; 2.(F)/Aufkl.Gr. 123, 4.(H)/Aufkl.Gr. 22; Wekusta 27; San.Flugbereitschaft 7 (Mar 43); II./TG 4;
Erg./Ers. Units: III./St.G. 151 (May – Aug 43);
Station Commands: Fl.H.Kdtr. E 6/VI, Fl.H.Kdtr. E 27/XII (1941), Fl.H.Kdtr. A 203/IV; Fl.H.Kdtr. A 211/III (c. Mar 43 – Apr 44), Fl.H.Kdtr. A(o) 106/XVII (with Ln.-Stelle A 106/XVII) (Apr – Oct 44).
Station Units (some): 5. Flugh.Betr.Kp./KG 26; Werft-Kp. 2; Werft-Kp. Südost (one Zug); Werft-Zug 108; Flieger-Werkstattzug 3/IV; Frontreparaturbetrieb GL 2571 (D.L.H.); Verbindungsstelle GL; Alp.Bergungstrupp 2/XVII; Flugzeug-Bergungstrupp (mot) 1/XI; Ldssch.Zug 227/VI and 365/VI; Strafvollstreckungs-Zug Südost z.b.V. 1.

Andy Mitchell 8th February 2010 00:40

Re: Athens-Tatoi
Other documents found in the CARL digital library include:-

Airborne invasion of Crete

German AA Artillary - a 1943 intelligence document.

Rescue of Mussolini. - Translated from German into English by Katherine A. Mull. Austrian and German officer's personal account of the assignment from Hitler to rescue Mussolini in the summer of 1943. Includes meeting with Hitler.

Andy Mitchell 8th February 2010 00:43

Re: Athens-Tatoi

Hope that they help.

I believe that the first time I downloaded the USAAF WWII Combat chronology was from the Maxwell site but I'm having problems with the links at present as they recently rebuilt their site.

byron- 8th February 2010 19:09

Re: Athens-Tatoi

I have hier some damaged Ju 52 planes in the airfield Tatoi of KG z.b.V. 1

Werk Nr. Ort Besch. % Grund Datum Gruppe

5296 Tatoi 100 Bod.Berühr. 01.06.41 II
5977 Tatoi 60 Notlandung 20.06.41 I
2960 Tatoi 15 Bruchlandung 26.07.42 III 11. Staffel
5054 Tatoi 100 Absturz 27.07.42 II
3304 Tatoi 20 Rollschaden 17.09.42 IV
7833 Tatoi 100 09.11.42 I

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