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Martin Gleeson 22nd April 2008 02:06

Italian AF in Tunisia, 15 January 1943.
Hallo all,

Can anyone please tell me what RA fighter units were operational in Tunisia on 15 January 1943 ? If present did their pilots make any air-to-air victory claims on this date ?

I know only of the 384 Sq. Assalto at El Aouina from 2 January 1943, and that other units arrived just after this date.


Martin Gleeson.

John Beaman 22nd April 2008 15:32

Re: Italian AF in Tunisia, 15 January 1943.
Fighters Over Tunisia lists one claim (a 4-engined bomber) over Tripoli by MC 202s but does not list the pilot or the unit. According to the order of battle it could have been 9, 18, or 23 Gruppo.

Gianandrea Bussi 22nd April 2008 16:31

Re: Italian AF in Tunisia, 15 January 1943.
Accoding to the first edition of the 4° Stormo history written by Antonio Duma (I've not got the latest-printed some months ago- yet) on 15 january 1943 some C.202 (at least four) of the 9° Gruppo attacked a formation of B-17 escorted by fighters, forcing the bombers to deliver their ordance out of the target. Three B-17 were claimed shot down and three damaged. Four C.202 were damaged, one more was lost with the death of Sergente Maggiore Anselmo Andraghetti (97a Sq. CT). This fighter was lost "in front of Tripoli" so I think that the combat happened there.
That unit was based at Tripoli Castel Benito at that time.

I've not found any claim by 3° Stormo (18° and 23° Gruppo) on this date in the book about this unit written by Lucchini/Leproni: this Stormo was based in Lybia at this date.

I've not got any infos about other units operating in Tunisia-Lybia.

Best regards


Martin Gleeson 23rd April 2008 00:17

Re: Italian AF in Tunisia, 15 January 1943.
Hallo John and Gianandrea,

Thanks for your help. My interest was in a combat near Gabes in Tunisia that day involving P-38s of the 82nd Fighter Group. As Gabes is approximately 200 miles from Tripoli and the Tripoli-based units were busy that day I think we can exclude them.

While I know the Luftwaffe engaged the 82nd FG that day one of the P-38 pilots lost, Lt. Milo E. Rundall (POW), suggested he was shot down by an Italian "firing at the bombers". At first I thought he meant A/A fire but lately have realized it was probably an R.A. fighter he was talking about. In all probability it was a Luftwaffe Bf 109 that shot him down, as per Tony Wood's website.

As an aside were any Italian A/A units in Tunisia at that time and did they have any successes ?


Martin Gleeson.

John Beaman 23rd April 2008 15:47

Re: Italian AF in Tunisia, 15 January 1943.

Where is the source of your info? I ask because Fighters Over Tunisia, while not infallable, makes no mention of actions by P-38s that day except for the 14th FG over the Fatignana Islands and they claimed Ju-52s. It does state that "other P-38s" escorted the B-26s of the 17th BG to attack bridges at Oued El Akarit and were engaged by Bf 109s of II./JG 51 who claimed 2 P-38s. The P-38 unit is not listed and made no claims.

Ota Jirovec 23rd April 2008 22:42

Re: Italian AF in Tunisia, 15 January 1943.

Actually, the other P-38 unit DID make claims. This was 96th Fighter Squadron of 82nd Fighter Group and its pilots were credited with 1-2-1 Me 109 in Oued el Akarit area, unfortunately time not reported. The confirmed kill was credited to Maj. Harley Camden Vaughn, while the names of other pilots are not known.

Source: Frank Olynyk´s USAAF Mediterranean Theater World War 2 Victory Credits

Hope this helps,


Martin Gleeson 24th April 2008 01:10

Re: Italian AF in Tunisia, 15 January 1943.
Hallo John,

My main sources for what I have written in this thread are;
1/ 82nd FG documentation (Summary report of Operations Performed 25-12-1942 to 31-1-1943).
2/ ADORIMINI by Steve Blake & John Stanaway.
3/ COURAGE ALONE by Chris Dunning.
4/ Phone interview with Milo E. Rundall, March 1997.
Also various other sources including Frank Olynyk's USAAF MTO WW2 VICTORY CREDITS (as per Ota Jirovec), Tony Wood's website, etc.

Source no. 1 above shows 2 missions that day for the 96th FS (the 95th and 97th were non-operational). The first was escort to an anti-shipping strike. Apparently one P-38 was lost or written-off with no injury to the pilot. The second mission was as you and Ota have outlined.

Hope this helps,


dp_burke 4th July 2019 14:57

Re: Italian AF in Tunisia, 15 January 1943.
What befell Raymond Black who was shot down with Rundall that day. I assume he died of injuries as he appears on POW records as well as death records with same date, 15 Jan?

Martin Gleeson 7th July 2019 00:26

Re: Italian AF in Tunisia, 15 January 1943.
Hi Dennis,

Any source I have seen on this states he was KIA this day, shot down by a Bf 109 of 5./JG 51 ('MAW3', 'ADORIMINI'). Nothing to say he ever became a POW.


dp_burke 7th July 2019 11:30

Re: Italian AF in Tunisia, 15 January 1943.
He is on the NARA AAD POW database for that date. But also listed therein as Died/killed as a prisoner. I suppose there was a gap between his going missing and confirmation of death, hence he would have been assumed a POW for some time. IDPF would answer it.

Thanks for that.

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