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Luc Vervoort 10th June 2023 13:37

18 RAF aircraft damaged/destroyed at Evere airfield (Belgium) on 10/01/1945

On 10 January 1945 at approx. 12h50 B-17G-75-BO 43-37988 91 BG was seen flying in the fog east to west and losing height over Evere airfield. The height was approx. 50 ft when passing the No.127 Wing Flying Control Van. The aircraft was south of the runway and touched down three quarters way across the field, hitting a Dakota and carrying it into a double-bay hangar on the west side of the airfield. Visibility was very bad at the time, the maximum being no more than 50 to 100 yards. All the crew except the tail gunner and the ball turret gunner got out of the aircraft, at the same time warning personnel in the vicinity to take over owing to bombs being on board. The bomb load comprising 38 x 100 lb G.P.bombs. Approx. 5 minutes after the crash the bomb load exploded, completely destroying a hanger and severely damaging aircraft in the vicinity. All Station Fire Tenders and Crash Ambulances immediately proceeded to the scene of the accident, and the Brussels Military Fire Service was called in and assisted in getting the fire under control. A detachment of the Pioneer Corps was called in to assist in clearing up the debris.

From statements made by surviving members of the crew of the B-17 it appears that two motors had failed and another was failing. Owing to the fog it was not thought desirable to jettison bombs so they were made safe before landing. Neither 127 Wing or 105 Staging Post Flying Control Sections received any messages from the aircraft. The crew knew that it was Brussel/Evere airfield but owing to the fog could not distinguish the runway.

Casualties: 2 members of the crew of the B-17 killed, 3 members of the same crew injured, 1 American soldier in the vicinity injured, 22 RAF personnel and 3 civilian labourers slightly injured by flying glass, etc.
18 RAF aircraft were damaged/destroyed :
KG599 Dakota 48 Squadron – completely destroyed
? Dakota
? Dakota
? Spitfire
NJ681 Auster V 2 GP CF
NJ736 Auster V 2 GP CF
NJ716 Auster V 111 WG
? Auster
? Auster
NK788 Anson ATA
MG582 Anson ATA
NL233 Anson 2 GCS
NL235 Anson 2 GCS
NL237 Anson 2 GCS
NL149 Anson 84 GCS
? Anson
? Anson
? Anson
(Sources : ORB of Evere airfield and others)

Looking for additional details of the damaged/destroyed aircraft.
Many thanks and best regards


Leendert 10th June 2023 20:13

Re: 18 RAF aircraft damaged/destroyed at Evere airfield (Belgium) on 10/01/1945
Dag Luc,

According the Spitfire Production List Spitfire Vb BL941 of No. 611 Squadron was destroyed at Melsbroek on 10 jan 1945 by a B-17 that blew up on landing.
I assume Melsbroek can be read as Evere here.



Luc Vervoort 10th June 2023 20:31

Re: 18 RAF aircraft damaged/destroyed at Evere airfield (Belgium) on 10/01/1945
Goedenavond Leendert,

Many thanks for this info.

Based on this , other crashes in Belgium for the same day were checked.

Auster V's RT557 and RT683 were also reported as destroyed by an exploding B-17 at Melsbroek.

So 2 Dakotas en 3 Ansons still have to be identified.

Met vriendelijke groeten, best regards


Alex Smart 11th June 2023 02:18

Re: 18 RAF aircraft damaged/destroyed at Evere airfield (Belgium) on 10/01/1945
Hi Luc,
I have sent you a PM.

Alex Smart 11th June 2023 03:14

Re: 18 RAF aircraft damaged/destroyed at Evere airfield (Belgium) on 10/01/1945
Found the following in The Anson File.
MG582 - ATA/3TU/4FP - So was damaged 10/01/45.
NK788 - 22MU Flt ,SOC 05/11/47. So was damaged 10/01/45.
NK659 - Damaged by B17 10/01/45.
So only two(2) left to find perhaps they also were repaired and continued in service?

Luc Vervoort 11th June 2023 08:53

Re: 18 RAF aircraft damaged/destroyed at Evere airfield (Belgium) on 10/01/1945
Hi Alex,

Many thanks for the Anson information.

Four Ansons were Cat AC.
Two Dakotas were Cat E1 and one Dakota was Cat E2.

The reports that another B-17 destroyed some RAF aircraft at B-58 Melsbroek are probably based on an error in the serial of the B-17 and the fact that the communications were done at B-58 Melsbroek. A Form 14 was completed for 42-29888, but the aircraft in question was 43-37988. On 11/01/1945 1Lt. Clark of VIII AFSC Service Center Sta. B-58 requested the Commanding officer of the same Center to inform the Commanding Office VIII Air Frce and the Commanding Officer AAF Station 121 of the crash of aircraft 988 on 10 January 1300 at Strip B-56. The next day this message was transmitted but it mentioned 9888 B-17-G. The additional digit of the serial was probably the cause of the error in the serial of the aircraft.
The records of 91 BG mention the following details about the crash :
B-17 aircraft number 988 of 324th Squadron, 91st Bomb.Group, Station 121 piloted by Lt.Martin endeavoured to land at B-58 in extreme poor visibility and with at least one engine out. Proceeded to B-56 and land but overshot the runway crashing into a C-47 and on into a British hanger, filled with small aircraft. Shortly afterwards the bombload on B-17 exploded. Demolished the Hangar and destroyed several British aircraft. No British personnel casualties as far as can be determined. But named Cpl M.C.Guire, injured and hospitalized. Following of B-17 crew hospitalized: F/O.Strauss, Sgt. F.Klinek, Sgt.J. Dunlap and 2/Lt. Eldred (Nav.) three crushed verterbrais. The following men were killed : Sgt.Broddus and Sgt.Cornett. Balance of crew safe but two members, names not known as yet, slightly injured. All possible help has been rendered to the British authorities at B-56 to clean up the wreckage and complete the investigation being made by our detachment at B-58.
(Sources: AFHRA reels 46467 and A580)

Best regards


AndyMa 11th June 2023 12:35

Re: 18 RAF aircraft damaged/destroyed at Evere airfield (Belgium) on 10/01/1945

Originally Posted by Luc Vervoort (Post 330084)
Auster V's RT557 and RT683 were also reported as destroyed by an exploding B-17 at Melsbroek.

RT683 is a Lancaster serial. Should read RT563 I think.

Luc Vervoort 11th June 2023 14:41

Re: 18 RAF aircraft damaged/destroyed at Evere airfield (Belgium) on 10/01/1945
Hi AndyMa,

Many thanks for this correction.

Best regards


Alex Smart 11th June 2023 18:12

Re: 18 RAF aircraft damaged/destroyed at Evere airfield (Belgium) on 10/01/1945
Just to confirm AndM's post , AB's PA100 - RZ999 has the following -

DBF when B-17 blew up, Melsbroek, 10.1.45.
DBF when B-17 blew up, Melsbroek, 10.1.45.

From 8th & 9th AAF Losses vol 6.
43-37988 -91stBG/324BS
P. 2Lt.John Martin(NMI).
CP. 2Lt.Morris L. Lund.
N. 2Lt. Edwin C.Eldred.
B. F/O. Robert Strauss.
E. Sgt. Richard E.Doerson.
RO. Sgt. Frank Klimek.
BTG. S/Sgt. Woodrow R.Cornett.
WG. Sgt. James D.Dunlap Jr.
WG. ( not carried).
TG. Sgt. Godard C. Broaddus.

TG. Sgt.Goward C. BROADDUS.

Re 42-29888 (?).
42-29858 - 95BG/412BS - MACR 11743, 6 Kia,3 Pow. Came down in Germany.


Luc Vervoort 12th June 2023 14:18

Re: 18 RAF aircraft damaged/destroyed at Evere airfield (Belgium) on 10/01/1945
Hi Alex,

Many thanks for the additional information.

Three Dakotas became cat E (1 cat E2 and 2 Cat E1).

The orb of 48 Squadron (AIR 27/474) mentions on 9 January 1945 :
Dakota Mk.III UY – schedule RF3 – Medical supplies to B75.
This aircraft was completely destroyed at B56, due to explosion caused by a Fortress crash landing with a bomb load. Aircraft was in dispersal and the crew are safe.

Was this aircraft KG599 ?

(B75 is Nivelles airfield, Belgium)

Best regards


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