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Mirek Wawrzynski 18th July 2017 13:40

Pursuit Brigade in Defense of Warsaw 1939
July 18, 2017, I have published in Polish, a specialized historical magazine "Technika Wojskowa Historia/Military History Technique" no. 4/2017 (pp. 4-14) text - synthesis under the title "Pursuit Brigade in Defense of Warsaw". There are 20 black and white photos of both PZL P.11 fighters and Luftwaffe aircraft.

Table of Contents

Preparing the Polish Side for the Capital Defense Organization

Creation of the Pursuit Brigade

On the Road Towards War

The Pursuit Brigade in defense of Warsaw


At the end of the text I placed a table with all confirmed victories of the Polish fighters (date, type, winner or winners, degree of damage, air unit, all damage 60-100%). Next to this are given the Luftwaffe aircraft suffered only damage <60%

The five fighter squadrons have reportedly claimed to shot down:
III / 1 Dyon - 12 and IV / 1 Dyon - 25 LW's planes. Six more from 7 to 17 September.

Total Poles reportedly shot down 43 planes, five probably and five damaged, in general 126 German planes shot down, 10 probable and 14 damaged by all Polish fighters in September 1939.

According to Luftwaffe documentation, the real successes of Poles were worse. In the battles with the Brigade, the Germans lost 12 total destroyed machines (over 12, three more are possible). In addition, a few more suffered <60% damage and were repaired. A few additionally German airmen in damaged machines died or were injured.

Five Luftwaffe machines (reconnaissance aircraft, flying one by one, low and rather slow) were definitely destroyed after leaving the Warsaw junction. In total Polish fighters had destroyed 17-20 LW's planes between 1 and 17 September (damage over 60-100 %)

The material is a very large extension of the text that appeared in "Defense of the active anti-aircraft active Warsaw in 1939", which appeared in: "Wojsk technika Historia/Military Technology History" No. 1/2015. The latter described mainly anti-aircraft artillery operations over Warsaw with a small part in the combat activity of Polish aviation.

Four years earlier, I also published the text on land battles titled " "Defense of Warsaw in September 1939" in "Polygon" no. 4/2013.
The last text is final in the series of fights for Warsaw in September 1939



1. Mirosław Wawrzyński, „Brygada Pościgowa w obronie Warszawy”. [w:] „Technika Wojskowa Historia. Numer Specjalny” nr 4/2017 (ss. 4-14)

2. Mirosław Wawrzyński, „Obrona przeciwlotnicza czynna Warszawy w 1939 roku”, [w:] „Wojsko i Technika Historia” 1/2015.

3. Mirosław Wawrzyński, "Obrona Warszawy we wrześniu 1939 roku”, [w:] „Poligon” nr 4/2013.

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