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pstrany 28th June 2008 01:23

Fw 190D Part III?
Not to appear over-eager or in any way ungrateful, but any news on volume three of this wonderful series? Volume I & II occupy a very special place on my shelf, and I do recall hearing of a possible third volume, sort of like getting an extra dessert after a wonderful meal, don't need it but would really love it nonetheless........


fsbofk 28th June 2008 03:25

Re: Fw 190D Part III?
Christian Schmidt carries it in their selection of books, noting that it is expected in 2008 - but don't hold your breath, as these estimates tend to be a tad off.

Eric Larger 28th June 2008 08:29

Re: Fw 190D Part III?
H Hello

Thanks for these words they comfort us to keep on our researches .

News about Volume III? Well....

Anyone who bought volume II, saw the cover of part III, Fw 190D-9, black 17 of I./JG26, depicted page 480.

We are working currently on it; some chapters are more advanced than other ones.

We are still looking for some documents to complete chapters.

We get a certain number, if not a lot, of new pictures, that need to be in depth analysed, we need to do the camouflage drawings, the detail description and so on. Some are done but some not as they came to us few days ago.

I understand you were expecting a release date, but the sole information that I can give you is that the book will not be issued in 2008.

Do not forget that writing books is not our main occupation , we all work in companies, sometime in very time-consuming jobs, and we try to save any free time to work for the book project . But sometime it is difficult.

We learn, from Part I and Part II that we cannot, issue more than a book every 2 years to keep the level of quality we want to achieve, respecting in that way our readers. Thus we cannot skip certain steps in the project

This is what can I say about part III.

Warmest Regards


pstrany 29th June 2008 06:20

Re: Fw 190D Part III?
That you very much for all of that! Certainly gives me a frame of reference for my expectations. I'll be sure and ask this question again in the beginning of 2010. :)

Take you time, gives me more time to digest all the wonderful information in the first two volumes........


fsbofk 30th June 2008 04:14

Re: Fw 190D Part III?
. . . and please do not take my comment as criticism - I apologize if that is how it seemed. I meant to clarify how estimated release dates are sometimes delayed for a host of reasons, so we all should be patient - it always amazes me how some people get p.o.ed when a book or game is later than anticipated ! I am looking forward to Vol. III.

Eric Larger 30th June 2008 11:10

Re: Fw 190D Part III?

I do not take your comments as criticism , feel safe.

When publishing part II we encountered , as any editor/authors couple, some incidents that postponed a little bit the release date . It is always the same when a project becomes a book and has to go though an industrial process .

We are working hard on part III, we hope it will match your wishes .

One more time many thanks to all of you , who support us with material or even kind words . It is always a hard and time consuming way between initial thoughts and the printed book . Be sure that each word is appareciated to its real value , and confort us to go ahead .


pstrany 26th September 2010 04:17

Re: Fw 190D Part III?
I realize that Eric is no longer with us, but has his plan for a part III to the FW190D story died with him?


Keizer Cali 5th November 2010 10:48

Re: Fw 190D Part III?
Dear all,

The plan for Part III of our Fw 190D Camouflage & Markings' series has certainly not died.

At the time when Eric passed away, we both both in dire need of some personal time off - we both had (and I still have) extremly time-consuming jobs and we had just spent over 5 years of our spare time on writing the first two volumes of the series.

The loss of one person out of a rock-solid two-man team like Eric and I were, cannot be calculated. We chased information together, we did the analyses together, we spent countless hours on the phone and at each other's place to discuss, ... with the only aim of coming up with an as complete and accurate as possible publication. That "magic" and chemistry has died together with Eric. Some people have very kindly offered their help in continuing the work together with me, but that has simply not been possible. It is not just the fact that Eric was, simply put, my best friend but our mutual work was founded on some 10 years of continuous collection, sharing and analysis of data.

All that - in regard of writing Part III - is now my responsibility, even if I can fall back to some extent on Tomáš Poruba of JaPo.

To all our supporters out there - rest assured that Part III will be published. It is a project that Eric and I started and I want to finish it (Eric would have done exactly the same thing for me). The only thing I cannot promise, is a completion or publication date. What I can say, is that in December I will be in Prague together with Tomáš to discuss in great detail the outline plan, contents, etc. of the projected Part III. At some point in time, I will report back on the progress of our third book. Meanwhile, you may want to read Parts I & II over more...

Thank you once again for all for all your kind words, your patience and your support.


Milos Gazdic 12th October 2016 05:56

Re: Fw 190D Part III?
Dear Marc,
I hope I am not bothering with this question, but is there any development on the case of 3rd volume of your & Eric's magnificent work?

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