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cbe2009 24th March 2009 23:12

May 11. 1944 and III./KG 26
On the above date, it seems that III./KG 26 suffered heavy losses in the Mediterranean Sea (According to the KG 26 book by Rudi Schmidt)

I am searching information on a BF Franz Mayrhuber, who also fell on this date, his aircraft etc. if possible.
What happened that day?

Thanks in advance


Laurent Rizzotti 25th March 2009 16:57

Re: May 11. 1944 and III./KG 26
Some links about this battle: (a quick reading revealed several errors (Beaufort night fighters should be Beaufighter for example, but should give you some hint).,M1 (five pages of the USN Official History)

All the above gives a number of German "losses" going from Allied sources, that is probably inflated.

IIRC the Ju 88 fighters of KG 40/ZG 1 were at the time escorting this kind of raid over the Medditerranean, and there may be something in the book 'Bloody Biscay', but I don't have it at hand today.

Chris Goss 26th March 2009 17:18

Re: May 11. 1944 and III./KG 26
Gefr Franz Mayrhuber was the Bf of Ju 88 A-17, 801711, 1H+KS of 8/KG 26 which crashed on return from ops at Etang Maugio close to Montpellier airfield. He & Uffz Albert Schilling (F), Uffz Wilhelm Treur (B) & Ogefr Karl Bauer (BM) were killed

cbe2009 26th March 2009 18:15

Re: May 11. 1944 and III./KG 26
Thank you very much for sharing these informations. If any of you want a scan of this crewmember, then please let me know!
All the best

Chris Goss 26th March 2009 18:23

Re: May 11. 1944 and III./KG 26

Do you have his death card?


RT 26th March 2009 19:57

Re: May 11. 1944 and III./KG 26
Here are the losses so 2 are missing one of which given by Chriss Goss

9 KG26 F Dellys off ALGERIEN A see FNJ n, torpedo abwurf JU88A-4 1H+IT 100 3 1 EE11KAC S Montpellier 9xJu88 9,KG26+40/50 Ju88 KG77+8 Do217 Allies beanspr, 5 Abgesch+3 besch,-A 21h00 ff erhebt anspruch das er hat e, Kreuzer betroffen Gesamt Angriff 86 fz 24 Ju86c+ 26/20/16 Ju88 S 16h00/30 8 fz abweichen vor Angriff HW5 482
IIIST KG26 F /Dellys off ALGERIEN/ X JU88A-4 550729 BF+YI/1H+CD 100 4 Abnahme b,KG26 100144 Stendal
9 KG26 F /Dellys off ALGERIEN/ X JU88A-4 550819 BJ+HW/1H+KT 100 4 Abnahme b,KG26 280144 Stendal
9 KG26 F /Dellys off ALGERIEN/ X JU88A-4 801591 KS+BU/1H+CT 100 4 Abnahme b,KG26 280144 Stendal
9 KG26 F /Dellys off ALGERIEN/ X JU88A-4 801593 KS+BW/1H+GT 100 4 Abnahme b,KG26 040544 Stendal
KG26 F /Dellys off ALGERIEN/ X JU88A-4 x7 100 Grosser Erfolge S 24 Ju88 2 Abweichen vor Angriff Angriff 19h10 33 Torpedo PQ 03 O 3889 3Schiffen gesunken +


RT 26th March 2009 20:00

Re: May 11. 1944 and III./KG 26
Hv you the last one Chris ??


Chris Goss 27th March 2009 00:07

Re: May 11. 1944 and III./KG 26
Missing ones were 1H+ER, 801619 (Fw Gerhard Meyer & crew missing) & 1H+XS, 301160 (Uffz Karl-Heinz Eichner & crew missing)

cbe2009 27th March 2009 07:44

Re: May 11. 1944 and III./KG 26
Hello Chris!
Sorry the late response, I was out of the house! Yes I have his death card.
Best wishes

steve sheridan 27th March 2009 23:59

Re: May 11. 1944 and III./KG 26
Hi Remi, do you have the stkz for the additional a/c given by Chris?

W.Nr 301160
W.Nr 801619
W.Nr 801711

Best regs,

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