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Evgeny Velichko 14th October 2006 10:15

List of StaKa's I./ZG 1, Erpr.Gr.210, I./SKG 210, I./ZG 1.
Hi all!

Can anybody help to complete this list?

List is updating and correcting day by day. If You have any info, pls let me know posting here.

Date (from - to), Rank, Name, Reason of dismiss (KiA, MiA, WiA, transfer, Staffel resignation)

1 Staffel:

1./ZG 1, (First formation)
? ????? 1939 - 6.9.1939, Major. Karl Hammes, KiA, Bf 110 C, shot down in aerial combat;
7.9.1939 – 1 July 40, Oblt. Martin Lutz (Staffel renaimed 1./Erpr.Gr. 210);

1./Erpr.Gr. 210
1 July 40 – 4 September 40, Oblt.Martin Lutz, (moved to acting-Gruppenkommandeur of Erpr.Gr. 210);
4 September 40 - 27 September 40 Oblt.Werner Weymann, (moved to acting-Gruppenkommandeur of Erpr.Gr. 210);
27 September 40 – 24 April 41, Oblt. Wolfgang Schenck (Staffel renaimed 1./SKG 210);

1./SKG 210
24 April 41 - 24 September 1941, Oblt. Wolfgang Schenck, (transferred to Rechlin to test Me 210)
24 September 1941 - 4 January 1942, Oblt. Rudolf Scheffel (Staffel renaimed 1./ZG 1);

1./ZG 1, (Second formation)
4 January 1942 - 26 July 42, Oblt. Rudolf Scheffel, WiA, Bf 110 F-2, Pilot wounded on combat mission;
27 July 1942 - 30 January 1943, Oblt. Eduard Tratt, WiA, Bf 110 G-2, Direct hit from Flak on combat mission;
30 January 1943 – 08 October 43, Oblt. Rudiger Ossmann, KiA, Bf 110 G-2, Shot down in combat with British / American bombers;

1./ZG 1, (Third formation)
?? October 43 - 12 December 43, Oblt. Hermann Horstmann, MiA, Ju 88 C-6, Missing following combat with Beaufighters;
12 December 43 - 11 April 44, Hptm. Günther Moltrecht, KiA, Ju 88 R-2, Missing following combat with Mosquitos;
11 April 44 - 9 June 44 - Lt Knud Gmelin, KiA, Ju 88 C-6, Shot down by Flak over Caen area.

2 Staffel:

2./ ZG 1, (First formation)
? ????? 1939 - 6.9.1939, Hptm.Horst Lehrmann, Bf 110 B, ???
6 June 1940 – 26 July 1940, Oblt. Werner Streib, (Staffel renaimed 2./NJG 1);

2./Erpr.Gr. 210
1 July 40 - 27 September 40, Oblt. Wilhelm-Richard Rössiger, KiA
27 September 40 - ????, Hptm. Georg Knappe, ????

2./SKG 210
24 April 41 – 29 July 41 - Oblt. Friedrich Amende, MiA, Bf 110 E-2, Did not return from armed;
29 July 41 – 14 August 41 Oblt. Fritz Andres, KiA, Bf 110 E-2, Received direct hit from Flak on combat mission to Jelnja;

2./ ZG 1, (Second formation)
2./ ZG 1, (Third formation)
October 43 - 7 November 43 - Oblt Kurt Necesany, (appointed Gruppe Ia (Operations Officer) of I./ZG 1)
7 November 43 - 12 July 44 - Oblt Albrecht Bellstedt, Staffel was renamed 6.(Sturm)/JG4

3 Staffel:

3./ZG 1, (First formation)

? ????? 1939 - 2.9.1939, Hptm. Wendelin von Müllenheim-Rehberg, Bf 110 C, shot down in aerial combat;
3.9.1939 - 26.06.40 - Oblt.Walter Ehle, (Staffel renaimed 3./NJG 1);

3./Erpr.Gr. 210

1 July 40 - 29 October 40 Oblt. Otto Hintze, PoW, ????;
29 October 40 - ???, Oblt. Peter Emmerich, ???

3./SKG 210

3./ZG 1, (Second formation)
4 January 1942 – 29 May 42, Oblt. Georg Boxhammer, KiA, Bf 110 F-2, Port engine failed after take-off, 10 Kms. east from Krakau airfield. Aircraft crashed;
29 May 42 – 18 September 42, Oblt. Robert Gebhardt, KiA, Bf 110 D-3, Aircraft hit by ground fire - crashed returning from mission, 1 Km. north- east of Jelampievskij, Stalingrad area;

3./ZG 1, (Third formation)
October 43 - 20 November 43 - Oblt Hans Schuster, Ju 88 C-6, Shot down in combat with Mosquito and Beaufighter.
Lt Alfred Klaus (Stellv) ???
January 1944 - 5 August 1944, Oblt Dieter Meister, Staffel renaimed 6.(Sturm)/JG4.

Thanks for attention & help,
With best wishes, Evgenij.

John Manrho 14th October 2006 11:47

Re: List of StaKa's I./ZG 1, Erpr.Gr.210, I./SKG 210, I./ZG 1.
I./ZG 1 became I./ZG 26 in October 1943 (approx. 13.10.1943). Your Staffelkapitäne of 1./ZG 1 after Ossmann have no relation to the original unit. This new I./ZG 1 is a new unit (ex-V./KG 40) and has no relation to the old I./ZG 1. Of course the new I./ZG 26 became I./JG 6 in 1944.



Chris Goss 14th October 2006 13:02

Re: List of StaKa's I./ZG 1, Erpr.Gr.210, I./SKG 210, I./ZG 1.
Eugen: 13 Oct 43 was the changeover from V/KG 40 to I/ZG 1. So:

Gr Kdr: Hptm Horst Grahl

1 Staffel: Oblt Hermann Horstmann to 12 Dec 43; Hptm Guenther Moltrecht to 11 Apr 44; Lt Knud Gmelin to 9 Jun 44

2 Staffel: Oblt Kurt Necesany to 7 Nov 43; Oblt Albrecht Bellstedt to end

3 Staffel: Oblt Hans Schuster to 20 Nov 43; Lt Alfred Klaus (Stellv); Oblt Dieter Meister Jan 44-end

I/ZG 1 as a Ju 88 unit was disbanded 5 Aug 44

Evgeny Velichko 14th October 2006 13:12

Re: List of StaKa's I./ZG 1, Erpr.Gr.210, I./SKG 210, I./ZG 1.
Yep, thx for info Chris & John. Also, i found this :)

On 13.10.43 renamed I./ZG26:

Stab I./ZG1 became Stab I./ZG26
1./ZG1 became 1./ZG26
2./ZG1 became 2./ZG26
3./ZG1 became 3./ZG26

Reformed 10.43 at Lorient from V./KG40 with:

Stab I./ZG1 from Stab V./KG40
1./ZG1 from 13./KG40
2./ZG1 from 14./KG40
3./ZG1 from 15./KG40

In 1.44 3./ZG1 and 7./ZG1 exchanged designations. On 12.7.44 moved to Welzow and was renamed II./JG4:
And Ossmann was StaKa of Staffel during Battle of Kursk, in july 1943... And could survive during that spoil of blood on 12 - 13 july over Bolkhov operation ...

Any information about StaKa's of 2 Staffel?

John Vasco 14th October 2006 13:38

Re: List of StaKa's I./ZG 1, Erpr.Gr.210, I./SKG 210, I./ZG 1.
Staka after Rössiger in 2./210 was Hptm. Georg Knappe.
Staka after Hintze was Oblt. Peter Emmerich.

Evgeny Velichko 14th October 2006 13:50

Re: List of StaKa's I./ZG 1, Erpr.Gr.210, I./SKG 210, I./ZG 1.
THX for Info, John!

Did You received my email? There are some news & photoes...

John Vasco 14th October 2006 13:57

Re: List of StaKa's I./ZG 1, Erpr.Gr.210, I./SKG 210, I./ZG 1.

Yes, I got the e-mail. I have seen those photos before. But I do love all 'Wespe' photos!

John Vasco 14th October 2006 14:01

Re: List of StaKa's I./ZG 1, Erpr.Gr.210, I./SKG 210, I./ZG 1.

Originally Posted by Eugen Gross
But how can I explain this note:

19 Septeber 42 - Oblt. Theo Kehl, MiA, Bf 110 F-2, Shot down by Russian fighters behind enemy lines South of Kotluban railway station.

How he could be StaKa 3./ZG 1 at same time as Tratt??????????????

Thanks for attention,
With best wishes, Evgenij.

I admit to an error in my 'Sting of the Luftwaffe' book. In the Namentliche Verlustmeldung (which I have just looked up) Kehl is not shown as Staka of 1./ZG 1. My mistake. Damn!!!

Evgeny Velichko 14th October 2006 14:06

Re: List of StaKa's I./ZG 1, Erpr.Gr.210, I./SKG 210, I./ZG 1.
Nice to hear it abot You like all Wespen photoes:)

But sorry... It seems You have all Wespe photoes, & there are no new photoes for You in all wourld whitch You dont seen before :) You are very happy man:)

I like Wespen to... But here in Russia are very few photoes aviable to see, because of lack books about ZG 1...

Look on this photoes: is it ZG 1? 126b - Bf110 has Yellow band "in Wespe" style, 241b - code "2N + __"

About Ossmann He served in I./SKG 210 & ZG 1, and had not less than 3 claims:

02.08.42 Ltn. Ossmann 1./ZG 1 I-153  0648: at 2-3 m. 18.10 Film C. 2025/I Anerk: Nr. 9
19.09.42 Ltn. Ossmann 1./ZG 1 LaGG-3  südostw. Kotluban: 1.500 m. 06.12 Film C. 2032/II Anerk: Nr. 11
17.07.43 Oblt. Ossmann 1./ZG 1 Pe-2  64 561: at 500 m. 05.31 Film C. 2032/II Anerk: Nr. 24

P.S. I hope soon I will have german map, showing grids of Ostfront, to see direct locations of ZG 1 claims.

John Vasco 14th October 2006 14:14

Re: List of StaKa's I./ZG 1, Erpr.Gr.210, I./SKG 210, I./ZG 1.
Note also the following with regard to Erpr. Gr. 210: after the loss of Rubensdörffer on 15th August 1940, Martin Lutz became acting-Gr. Kdr. until the posting-in of von Boltenstern a few days later. With the arrival of von Boltenstern, Lutz reverted to Staka of 1./210.

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