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Dénes Bernád 13th March 2005 05:06

Erich Hartmann: 352 victories or... 80?
Today I flicked through the latest issue of Le Fana de l'Aviation (Febr. 2005).
The feature article, titled: 'Erich Hartmann: 352 victories or... 80?', written by a Russian researcher, Dmitry Khazanov, deals with the air victory claims of the top fighter ace of all times.
I did not have a chance to read much of the article, but based on the title, the Russian writer doubts the veradicity of most of Hartmann's victory claims.

I would like to hear from someone, who has read the article and the conclusion drawn by the author.


marsyao 13th March 2005 18:42

Re: Erich Hartmann: 352 victories or... 80?

Originally Posted by Dénes Bernád
Today I flicked through the latest issue of Le Fana de l'Aviation (Febr. 2005).
The feature article, titled: 'Erich Hartmann: 352 victories or... 80?', written by a Russian researcher, Dmitry Khazanov, deals with the air victory claims of the top fighter ace of all times.
I did not have a chance to read much of the article, but based on the title, the Russian writer doubts the veradicity of most of Hartmann's victory claims.

I would like to hear from someone, who has read the article and the conclusion drawn by the author.


I am very interesting in this article, feel so sorry that I could not read Russian, my opnion is that every fighter pilots overclaimed, Hartmann was no exception, if we accept the reseanable 2:1 overcliamed rate, the real Hartmann's "kills" would be 180-200, that would not surprised me, but 80 ? that was unbelieveble, that was almost equal to claim that Hartmann was a deliberatly liar, dose Mr Khazanov have any reall evidence to support his claim ? Or is this article just another propaganda ? What is Mr Khazanov's reputation in the historay research area ?

Ruy Horta 13th March 2005 19:39

Re: Erich Hartmann: 352 victories or... 80?

Originally Posted by marsyao

Originally Posted by Dénes Bernád
Today I flicked through the latest issue of Le Fana de l'Aviation (Febr. 2005).
The feature article, titled: 'Erich Hartmann: 352 victories or... 80?', written by a Russian researcher, Dmitry Khazanov, deals with the air victory claims of the top fighter ace of all times.

I am very interesting in this article, feel so sorry that I could not read Russian, my opnion is that every fighter pilots overclaimed, Hartmann was no exception

Since Dénes is describing this article as a feature in Le Fana de l'Aviation it would suffice if you read french!


marsyao 13th March 2005 19:46

No, do not read French either, I only read Chinese and English, and I believe this article was first published in Russian, I heard someone mentioned it before.

karlenko 14th March 2005 08:09

It never published in russian
As I know, it never published in russian. However I can ask russian text from author.

FalkeEins 14th March 2005 12:21

I haven't read the article myself...however Hans Ring has compiled a lengthy 5-page reply rebutting most of the arguments ('facts') presented therein...the piece is awaiting translation before hopefully appearing in a future issue..

marsyao 14th March 2005 17:25

FalkeEins and karlenko, very interesting, would one of you genttlemen be nice enough to give us some at least brief information about Mr Khazanov's and Mr Ring's rebuke ? I would be very appreciated

Dénes Bernád 14th March 2005 18:22

Hartmann's air victories
The basic question is that is there a complete, final list with all of Hartmann's 352 victory claims? AFAIK, only the first 150 vics., as written in his first logbook, are known 100%, as his second logbook was stolen when he surrendered in 1945.

Recently, the French aviation magazine, Avions, published a long article on him, incl. a reconstruction of his victory claims. The second part of his claims list was spotty, at the best (and did not overlap with the info published by Tony Wood).


Dénes Bernád 14th March 2005 18:26

Re: Erich Hartmann: 352 victories or... 80?

Originally Posted by marsyao
What is Mr Khazanov's reputation in the historay research area ?

Mr. Khazanov has published several books and articles related to the air war on the Eastern Front.

I have heard that his works are generally well researched. However, I did not read any of his books, as I don't know Russian.


marsyao 16th March 2005 04:38

Re: Erich Hartmann: 352 victories or... 80?
Fair enough, Denes, please kind enough to give us more details when you have a chance to finish this article.

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