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Old 8th August 2005, 11:00
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ChrisMAg2 ChrisMAg2 is offline
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RAF raid on Brunswick, Jan. 14, 1944

The RAF raided Brunswick on Jan. 14, 1944 with a total of 496 Lancasters and 2 Halifax. We have managed to find out that 406, 428 and 432 Sq RCAF were part of the group. Is there a way of finding out what other units were involved in this raid? And were any of the other units equipped with Lancaster II and report casualties on that raid /area?

The whole topic is because the salvage of Lancaster II (that is an assummption at the moment, because of four bristol radials).

The topic came up here (a german forum), from page 4 on, while asking about some findings:

Known facts:
-A four radial engined (we know they should be Bristol Hercules, but what type?) bomber crashed, due to german nightfighters. The a/c was still carrying parts of the payload (window, radar jamming foils).
-Bones from the crew could be recovered, but AFAIK no personal items.
-Parts of the a/c were recoverd with some stencils/ markings, details are unknown
-We have found out, that 7 Lancaster II were lost on that raid. 4 are reported form the involved canadians
-The crash site is approx. 20 km east of Brunwsick. The bomber was shot down on the way to Brunswick, after passing the area of turnpoint Bremen.

Any help is very welcome.
Christian M. Aguilar

Last edited by ChrisMAg2; 8th August 2005 at 11:08.
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