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Old 11th August 2005, 19:35
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ChrisMAg2 ChrisMAg2 is offline
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Re: RAF raid on Brunswick, Jan. 14, 1944

the crash (not the kill shot by NF) of that plane has been witnessed. But it is uncertain how long the plane was still airborne, after being shot down. The witnessreport says, the plane was on fire already and "plunged" into the ground, were it exploded or burned out. So looking for the area where it was shot down may be difficult.

Anyway we now seem to have a verificationthat our engine was from a L II. The verification is the picture of a gearbox, prop hub and wooden blades of Lancaster MkII LL652 JI-C of 514 sq. that crashed in Belgium in May 28, 1944 and indicates a Bristol Hercules Mk XVI with Rotol hub and wooden blades. So the possibility we really have a L II has risen. The remaining question is for now: which one of the three?
Christian M. Aguilar
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