Thread: JG 300 book
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Old 21st August 2005, 20:44
Flitzer Flitzer is offline
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Re: JG 300 book

Another book related to JG 300, one may wish to consider getting Rendezvous with Destiny, as the German pilot who shot down "Just Elmer's Tune" was Günther Sinnecker of JG 300. Lots of nice photos even if the print quality is not that good. For a few bucks on the used book market, it will make a nice addition to your library. I almost missed this book because it was from a small publishing house, Universal Publishers.

(From the publishers description)

On the 24th of February, 1944, 867 bombers of the 8th Air Force were heading for targets on German territory. One of these B-17s named "Just Elmer´s Tune" did not make it home to base again; its 13th mission was going to be its last. Several German fighter planes attacked them during their mission and finally they crash landed in Denmark.

This documentary follows the different crewmembers' destiny that day, minute by minute and during their imprisonment in Germany until the liberation. It was possible for the author to track down the German pilot who shot down "Just Elmer´s Tune" and so it is possible to tell his side of the story too.

On June 27th, 1998, Fritz Ulrich set up a meeting in Berlin where Günther Sinnecker, the German pilot, and Edwin Hays, the tail gunner from "Just Elmer´s Tune", met for the first time face to face 54 years after they had shot each other's plane down. This story is visualized with some 240 pictures, maps and documents which have been provided from crewmembers of "Just Elmer´s Tune" and from the German pilot. The story is based on interviews and written accounts from the people involved and from research in different archives.
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