Thread: 2 JoeB about KW
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Old 21st June 2010, 18:51
JoeB JoeB is offline
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Re: 2 JoeB about KW

I've never seen any photo or account of MiG-15 in Korea with large artwork, that's a very interesting account. Some propaganda photo's of PLAAF MiG-15's in Korea sport relatively large red Chinese lettering near the nose, which just says 'Chinese Peoples Volunteer Army Air Force'. It might have mistaken for artwork, but wasn't a dragon all the way down the fuselage, and I've never seen any US reference to that lettering either. It might or might not have appeared on a/c in actual combat.

By May 1953 PLAAF and KPAAF MiG units combined readily outnumbered the Soviets, in potential order of battle at least, though perhaps less so in actual rate of sorties. Per Zhang in "Red Wings over the Yalu" the Chinese 4th, 6th, 14th, 15th, 16th and 17th Fighter Divisions were involved in Korean operations in that period. Per the North Korean defector No Kum-sok, so was his 1st Fighter Division KPAAF, and at least one other NK MiG-15 division.

I don't know however, any specific account of combats May 18, 1953 by the Chinese or NK's.

As for RB-29 'Cold War' shootdowns, dividing these from 'Korean War' losses mirrors the way the Soviets and US both viewed it at the time, as well as how they cooperated (or are still cooperating to some much more limited extent) in joint research about POW/MIA's of the period, from 1990's. The fighter units responsible for the shootdowns were not part of 64th Fighter Corps in Korea so joint research in that units' records wouldn't explain them. By the same token, such incidents were typically not mentioned in intelligence summaries of 5th AF or Far East Air Force about Korean operations, since they didn't happen over Korea; although the unit involved did operate and suffer losses of other a/c over Korea.

Btw, the link I have for Korwald is dead, does anyone have a new one? DPMO itself had a separate page about Cold War air incidents, but link I had is likewise dead.

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