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Old 28th August 2005, 16:58
Christer Bergström Christer Bergström is offline
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Posts: 436
Christer Bergström is on a distinguished road
Re: Graf or Steinhoff?

Gustav Rödel was not in command of 2. Jagddivision at the time of this meeting. He served in the Stab of the Jagddiv. Rödel became commander on the 16. february 1945, taking over from GenMj. Ibel!
IIRC, different sources differ on that issue - some stating that Rödel was in command of 2. JDiv already by the time the famous meeting with Göring was held. In any case, my point was that Göring's most sinister threats against the so-called "mutineers" never were realized. If it is true that Rödel after the confrontation with Göring was elevated from a staff position to command the 2. JDiv, he is the one who got the best treatment after the meeting with Göring; in that case, we have one man who was even elevated, in spite of his criticism.
All the best,

Christer Bergström
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