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Old 12th October 2010, 00:55
Jan vd Heuvel Jan vd Heuvel is offline
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Rotterdam, Holland
Posts: 83
Jan vd Heuvel is on a distinguished road
Re: The Eagles Over Europe (EOE) Project

Hi Larry,

thanks for the update.

I must agree that the starting point for your EOE project must be earlier.

Truly, the Second World War officially started on September 1, 1939, but what preluded this was important for the further events in that War.

At least you should make a "prelude chapter" to the book(s).

The Spanish Cicil War was of importants to test the capabilities of the various German aircraft and the fighter pilots and undoubtly also the other German aircrews and pilots gained very important experience that was invaluable in the upcoming battles.

Many of the German fighter pilots were already experienced in earial combat and that influenced the upcoming aerial battles immencely.

The combat testing of the German aircraft in the Spanish Civil War was also of importance.

And the Occupation of the Czech Country was also important for the Germans. They captured a large arsenal of aircraft, including very many training aircraft that immensely helped in training the German airmen, also for the upcoming battles.

I know that this will put more strain in producing your (momumental) book project, but it is important for understanding how the following war events eveloped.

Btw, I have very many photo's of Czech aircraft used by the Germans to include in this prelude.

But after all, it's your choice and I know that you will have to make a decision from where your project starts.

Kind Regards,
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