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Old 28th December 2010, 10:23
68 Sqn 68 Sqn is offline
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68 Sqn is on a distinguished road
Re: Czech ALA and RAF pilot Josef Vopalecky

Before you have a copy of the personal card p.Vopáleckého. So you can interpret all the details. June 28, 1939. was admitted to the Foreign Legion with the rank of Soldat and sent to Sidi Bel Abbes (cs.hodnost rotmistr.let.). September 1, 1939. moved to Sidi Ahmed (Airport) September 14, 1940. transferred to Blida (airport) 27 November 1939. sent to fighter training in Chartres. January 12, 1939. fr.sergenta promoted. May 1, 1940. promoted to cs.hodnost.štábního rotmistra.let. May 18, 1940. assigned to 1 / 55 3 June 1940. Down. June 3-June 13, 1940. in the hospital. June 19, 1940. departure from France (Bordeaux). June 21, 1940 arrival in GB (Falmouth)
Pavel (68Sqn)
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