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Old 19th February 2011, 17:10
aaatripp aaatripp is offline
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Location: Newport, RI
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aaatripp is on a distinguished road
Re: Capt.Wallace Emmer 354th Fighter Group

Interesting display to honor the memory of Maj. Don M. Beerbower, USAAF.
It brings to mind some questions:

1. Upper row, far left - Don was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross
posthumously, on 14 Dec 44 when top brass (Vandenberg, Weyland,
Sanders) visited the 354FG. Is the ribbon in the display the DSC or the Air
Force Cross (which was authorized 1960 & 1st awarded in 1964)?

2. Bottom row, far right - is this the French Croix De Guerre? If so, does
anyone know how many were awarded to members of the 354FG and to
whom and what date(s)? (or, was it a group award?)

Thank you.
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