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Old 4th October 2005, 10:31
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Re: Questions on 8th AF Swinemünde raid on 12 March 1945

Thanks a lot, Delmenhorst!
I'm trying to understand why the stories of the two sides are so different in this case and Your answer on fuses helped in this. Or at least it didn't demolish the explanation I had figured out. I wrote a much longer explanation but it seemed to have disappeared into byte space and now I must begin to earn my living. The conflict on attack altitude and on strafing remains but Your info on strafing is in line of that of Schnatz and of the histories of FGs I have. I think that Friedrich had in this case relied too much on the stories of German survivors and had dismissed too lightly the documents of the USAAF. But who knows? The truth is probably possible to find out from USAAF archives but I don't know if somebody had researched this attack.

but anyway
thanks a lot again
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