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Old 14th November 2011, 04:41
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Csaba B. Stenge Csaba B. Stenge is offline
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Re: Jack H. Bond and Bruce C. Cobb, 319th FS/325th FG on 7 July, 1944

Originally Posted by udf_00 View Post
Herschel "Herky" Green : "Herky, the Memoirs of a Checkertail Ace. p.101

The following day was our day for oil. We covered B-17's attacking the oil refinery at Blechhammer, Germany. Thirteen Me-109's were lurking in the target area and were jumped bu the P-51's. In the fray that followed, I never was able to get into a decent for a good shot, but I did manage to get a couple of snap shots at two Me-109's that were trying to evade the P-51's by diving for the ground. In both case I got hits, but I didn't follow them to the groung as our primary mission was to keep the enemy fighters off the bombers. Lt Frank C. Soltesz'plane was seen to blow up. No chute was observed. His misfortune was believed to have been caused by mechanical failure. Credits to
1st Lt. Bruce C. Cobb 1 Me-109
2nd Lt. Jack H. Bond 1 Me-109
Major H.H. Green 2 Me-109's (Dam)

STARS & BARS by Frank Olynyk p.306, has Green's claims at 0950 by 48-40 N, 17-25E

Fifteenth Air Force Story by Kenn C. Rust p.29, has the B-24 scheduled to Bleckhammer N(orth) & other targets, and the B-17 to Bleckhammer S(outh)

Checkertail Clan - The 325th Fighter Group In North Africa And Italy (9780816897506): Ernest R. McDowell, William N. Hess p.94, has 45 a/c dispatched/ 42 effective for an escort mission, losses 1-0, claims 2-0-1.
Also on p.92 Cobb is listed on the Frantic mission of 2-11 june 1944 with 42-103431 #80 (319th)
Hi udf,

Thank you, I know the cited sources, but they contains no details about the combat of Cobb and Bond. I don't have yet the narrative mission report or any personal encounter report of that day, which may contains more information.

As for Soltesz, Peter's site was linked already.
According to his family he deceased in Cleveland on March 13, 1998 at the age of 77.
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