Re: Friendly fire WWII
Many thanks Six Nifty .50s - great stuff. Another name for the Acknowledgements List!! I am sincerely grateful
Hi Six Nifty .50s - and other experts
A couple of queries re USAAF Mosquitos that you mention. In Merle Olmsted's excellent 'The Yoxford Boys' (357thFG) history, he confirms (on page 359) that the 357thFG shot down two Mosquitos, one on 12 August 1944 as indicated, but the other is not dated, and neither is mentioned in the narrative. Any ideas? Perhaps the second one was a RAF machine?
Secondly, regarding the shooting down of NS792 on 9 April 1945. I could be wrong, but I don't think any Free French unit was flying the P-51 at that date, and I haven't a FF Spitfire claim for a twin on that date. Maybe the culprit was a RAF Mustang or a US P-51. Again, any ideas?
While on the subject of FF pilots, Lt Raoul Rebiere of 328 Squadron (formerly GCI/7) flying a Spitfire shot down a US P-51 on 7 October 1944. Any ideas?
Last edited by Brian; 2nd November 2005 at 18:46.