Re: Friendly fire WWII
Hi mhuxt - thanks for the details.
Michal - I had note of the incident but not full identities - thanks.
Six Nifty - great stuff. I have not consulted Schrader's book nor Gauker & Blood summaries (not aware of these). Please elaborate to enable me to purchase same. The mind boggles at what you may find in the US fighter histories! I await with anticipation!
I thought I would post my final (?) list of ETO queries, in the hope that someone out there may have a few answers:
28/10/44: Mustang AM153 shot down by Spitfire
31/10/44: B-17 shot down by British AA - crew list?
23/12/44: Lt Coppoline 366FS shot down P-47
24/12/44: Two Typhoons shot down by P-47s
25/12/44: Spitfire SM303 shot down by P-47
29/12/44: Spitfire PL217 shot down by US fighter
30/12/44: Lt Stovell 56FG shot down by P-47
1/1/45: Typhoon EK497 shot down by P-51 352FG
1/1/45: Beaufighter 415NFS shot down by B-17
Thanks in advance
The final few for ETO
14/1/45: Two Typhoons (174 and 247 Sqns) shot down by P-47s
17/1/45: Two RAF Mustangs shot down by Spitfires
14/2/45: Mustang KH542 (64 Sqn) shot down by frindly fire
22/2/45: Tempest EJ544 shot down by P-51
P-51 (Lt Peter Vassuer) shot down by 4thFG
6-7/3/45: Mosquito MM237 105 Sqn shot down by Allied NF
24-25/4/45: Mosquito MM588 409RCAF Sqn damaged by another Mosquito.
Last edited by Brian; 6th November 2005 at 19:45.