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Old 3rd May 2012, 21:50
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Re: A 'what if' question RE: LW vs 8th AF

Originally Posted by mars View Post
The reason "there was no realistic defense against low level Ju 88 oe Me 410 attacks." was that no such scale of night attack occurred before, Luftwaffe could not expect to be so lucky next time.
Luftwaffe could not go after US airbase in UK in the daylight, that would be almost equal to commit suicide. In the night, the limitation of the navigation technology alone would prevent them from finding their target, besides, many US airbases for heavy bombers units located beyond the range of the German medium bombers anyway. And even they found the airport, what the chance their bombs could hit the target? From the experience from RAF, we all know the accuracy of the night time bombing was notoriously low. At last, let us do not forget the fact that RAF night air defense system was among the best in the WWII airforces
I agree low level navigation difficult re: pinpointing US airbases - but a 0500 attack would catch a Lot of heavy bomb groups getting final maintenance and firing up engines for many raids.

As to 'effective night defense for low level attack? The NVA had the most capable AAA capability in a small area during VietNam and had no defense against F-111. So, the question is whether or not to risk the 0300-0500 strike from French/Dutch bases against the odds of finding the target?

Note - I indicated Ju 88 and Me 410s which easily had the range to attack east Anglia targets through D-Day and for those based in southern, eastern and northern France - for some time afterwards - as long as unmolested by strafing fighters in daylight.

Further re: night defenses - imagine Mossies and P-61s a.) trying to look down to capture a signal against the clutter and b.) make attacks on a/c flying 100-200 feet AGL?

As to finding the airfield but not hitting the targets? ALL 8th AF fighters and bombers fueld the evening before the next mission. Hit One a/c with cannon fire and visibility will be "wonderful".
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