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Old 6th June 2012, 12:24
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Andreas Brekken Andreas Brekken is offline
Alter Hase
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Aurskog, Norway
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Andreas Brekken is on a distinguished road
Re: Hooton's Luftwaffe Loss Totals - request for clarification


Just a short message to mr. Thompson: The obvious reason for the difference in survivability between east and west were obviously that the Luftwaffe operated mostly over German controlled territory in the west at this time (largely seen), while they were operation directly over or beyond the frontline in enemy held territory in the east. At least how I see it.

Andreas B
Ahhh... but I have seen the holy grail! And it is painted RLM 76 all over with a large Mickey Mouse on the side, there is a familiar pilot in front of it and it has an Erla Haube!
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