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Old 25th September 2012, 11:03
Buz Buz is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 70
Re: Curtiss P-40 shot down at Särkisalo: K-1/5 or 15?


Can I jump here as I have a little knowledge on all things P-40.....

What you have is the idenity of the Engine only, this being the serial 42-99272?? MFRS.No 19509, you do not have an aircraft serial number nor any number which can be used to track down the airframes serial, due to the ability for engines to be pulled and replaced easily.

The wing ammo box whilst saying P-40D, E and F, is just the furthest outboard ammo box for the Port wing, and should be able to fit all 6 gun models

The Allison V-1710-73 was fitted to Very late P-40E-1 (only 47 and those were supposed to be delievered to the RAF), and also the P-40K-1, K-5, K-10 and K-15 (these engines were also known as F4R engines).

Maybe amoungst those Finnish records are some other numbers that may help ID the aircraft, even if just written down, rather than a plate....19IAP flew a number of P-40K's models as well as M models, so going to be hard without further details


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