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Old 9th October 2012, 23:07
John Beaman John Beaman is offline
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Re: Question about octane fuel requirements for DB601A and DB601N engines for the Bf109E


The 601 was the standard engine for the E model. It used 87 octane fuel. the 601N was used in some Es and required 100 octane fuel.

Pending development of the 601E, the 601N was also used in the F-2, hence the 100 in the octane marking. The F-4 used the 601E which used 87 octane. The only F-4 you will see with a 100 octane marking is the F-4Z which used a nitrous oxide boost system under pressure, for limited times. There was no F-2Z

It is my understanding that B4 was the artificial version of 87 fuel and C3 was the artificial version of 100 fuel. These were not interchangeable in the aircraft fuel system, hence the triangle warnings. I have never seen a C2 in any photo. Later versions of the 605D could be "tuned" in the field to use either type of octane rating, but this was in the G-10 and K-4 machines.
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