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Old 3rd February 2005, 22:40
Smudger Smith Smudger Smith is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: London
Posts: 74
Smudger Smith
Short Stirling Loss & Major Helmet Lent


I am trying to identify who shot down a Short Stirling Mk.III (IC-P EH.994) of No.623 Squadron on the night of 3rd/4th October 1943. The target was Kassel.

The aircraft, captained by Canadian Pilot Officer Thomas Muir RCAF crashed at Harleshausen, 3 kms NW of Kassel killing six of the crew who were on their 3rd operation.

Using Tony Woods excellent site I have established that there are a number of possibilities as to who shot down this aircraft. One of which is Major Helmut Lent of Stab/NJG 3 Major Lent claimed a 4-motor at 22.27hrs over Harleshausen. Can this claim and the Stirling loss be linked and confirmed.

Another possibility is Hptm Hans Baer of 4./NJG 3 who claimed a 4-motor North West of Kassel.

Can anyone expand on these claims, any additional information will be appreciated and welcomed.

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