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Old 25th September 2014, 17:47
kettbo kettbo is offline
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kettbo is on a distinguished road
Re: Airfields of the Luftwaffe

My apologies for being less than specific last night. The focus of my miniatures game is Western France, June through September, 1944. A fictitious USAAF P-47D Group tries to complete a variety of missions. Defending is a LW Staffel with Bf109G-6/U3. This is my initial trial set-up. Naturally other types of aircraft will appear; passing through the battle space, transfer in/out, etc. I'm tired of the nit-picking of who is 3.5 mph faster or turns 2* more per minute and let's face it, too much detail makes an air skirmish of a few moments an afternoon gaming! To make the game more manageable I'm stripping off most of the performance attributes. The focus here is leadership, pilot skill, getting into position, or simply moving out of danger. I'd like to see several related missions in one afternoon.

So back to the airfield FLAK/AAA. Normandy area, all the major bases bombed-out. I'm pretty sure of dispersal to primitive landing fields, and have seen in JG-26 WAR DIARY mention of 2 Staffeln sharing what is more a less a field. Yes, fighters backed into the woodline, a forward strip. Could you hazard a low/average/high estimate on what we'd have here? I've no clue to the LW FLAK organization down this low. I'd think a battery of 4-6 20mm, 20/4 vierling, or even 3.7cm would be about right. I'd also think that the ground crewmen have field expedient rigs of 20mm, 13mm, and 7.92mm machine guns. Any help much appreciated!
George Kettler
Original Historical Miniatures
Lakewood, WA
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