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Old 1st April 2015, 11:39
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Mysticpuma Mysticpuma is offline
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Re: Claiming an enemy aircaft shot down after the war by an RAF Pilot. How?

Just a little more info.

The Pilot is Eric Carter who flew Hurricane's in Russia with 81 Squadron as part of Force Benedict in Murmansk.

On one particular day he got hits on an EA (observed by his wingman) and which left the 109 having difficulty flying correctly (as he put it). The 109 flew into cloud and he decided not to follow. He wrote about it in his action for that day so it must be in the Squadron records (I don't have the date to hand).

Move on to a couple-of-years-ago and the creation of this painting:

One of the signatories of the painting is Hauptmann Karl-Fritz Schlosstein who Eric met at the signing event. During their discussions Karl described being shot up on the the date in question (don't have it to hand) and having to crash land (and was saved by deep snow softening the impact). He had managed to radio his position and he was (even with two broken arms) rescued by a Storch before the Russians found him.

When talking with Eric I said "so you have a confirmed victory now" to which he replied "I suppose I have, I hadn't really thought about it that way".

So that's why I mention it, mainly because it was in Murmansk, by the RAF and it would have been a rare occurance for the dates and aircraft to match?

Cheers, MP
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