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Old 22nd June 2015, 18:29
Posts: n/a
Re: In General, What is Everyone Doing?

Bronkazonk, I haven't seen this mentioned so here goes. You are a movie producer. Wonderful!!! I believer there is nothing more compelling to any audience than the truth told honestly and completely. Hollywood often misses this point in favor of CGI and phoney story lines layered on pieces of the actual history. This has been repeatedly demonstrated in recent releases about WWII events (example not quoted so we don't head down a different rabbit hole but the folks on this forum know of the movies of which I speak).

Point is, forums like this delve into the minutia of history for the many reasons cited by previous responses to your post. it may seem anal and compulsive behavior but these are serious sifters of history. This can be grist that you, with your film making talents, can draw on to create an accurate and compelling story. If you have a specific question, ask it. This forum is, as one person already stated, pretty user friendly, and we will do the best to answer your questions no mater how basic or abstruse.

Good luck with your movie. We all will revel in its release IF it tells the real story.

Oh, by the way, I'm a retired experimental fighter test pilot, erstwhile modeler and non-professioal historian. I'm named after a WWII B-24 pilot killed coming off target at Regensburg 2-22-44. I've been able to reassemble the exact events of that day due to forums like this and official sources. Someday I'll write a book. Is that reason enough to be an anal-retentive seeker of minutia? To answer your question, that's what I'm, doing?
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