Thread: Me 410 top ace
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Old 29th November 2015, 22:55
John Manrho John Manrho is offline
Alter Hase
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John Manrho will become famous soon enough
Re: Me 410 top ace

The main problem with the career and claims of Dassow are the lack of primary sources. I have been studying his career for some time but besides the information in his (small) personnel file and data at the WASt there is not much to go on.

Furthermore the data Obermaier (RK) gives is a problem. He states that Dassow arrived at 10./ZG 1 in May 1942 in the East and transferred to 7./ZG 1 on 27.7.1942. Furthermore Obermaier says he had 22 Luftsiege in the West and of these were 12 Viermots. I have not seen any primary source that confirms this. Not for the total count of 22 claims or the 10./ZG 1 note. Does anybody know what Obermaier used as primary source and where this comes from???.

Original records show that Dassow was with 1./K.Gr.z.b.V. I/323 in the April - August 1942 timeframe. At least from September 1942 till January 1943 he was with II./L.L.G. 2. This is also proven by his EM number 214208/165 which he received with 2./L.L.G. 2 on 2.1.1943. The first date with III./ZG 1 is in fact 3.2.1943 which is in my opinion the date when he joined 7./ZG 1.

He was reported missing on 10.4.1943 in Me 210A-1, 8169, 2N+GR. He returned to his unit on 16.4.1943. He had severe burns in his face and lower arms and was treated at the Lw. Laz. Trapani. I am sure his treatment took a while and afterwards he probably had leave also. Later pictures show clearly marks in his face from these injuries. From notes in his records it is possible that he returned to 7./ZG 1 for duty on 27.7.1943 (one year later as Obermaier...mentioned).

In the crashlanding of 10.4.1943 his Bordfunker Uffz. Walter Böhme was killed (NW of Bou Thadi/Tunisia). Does anybody know the grave location of Uffz. Böhme?

On 21.6.1944 Dassow was only slightly wounded (his BF was severely wounded) and Dassow stayed at the units medical post (Krankenrevier II./ZG 26).

Concerning his claims, well I have a few more from other primary sources but not these 22. There are pictures showing Dassow and his Me 410 showing 11 Abschussbalken. I believe these pictures were taken in February 1944 the latest. There is also a document (made by his unit after his death) that says he had 17 4-mot Abschüsse of which 5 were confirmed and 6 were not yet handed in.

Finally, I hesitated to put this post in..... as others already stated in this post, I also would like to see the member that has initiated the original post would ADD more information and not ONLY asks questions....


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