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Old 30th March 2016, 20:42
Andrey Kuznetsov Andrey Kuznetsov is offline
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Re: Luftflotte 4 losses Apr.-Jun.1943: a comparison of the different data

Hello Andreas!

Thank you, your answer is valuable as always.

Originally Posted by Andreas Brekken View Post
It is possible that the discrepancies for April is due to spill over from March. I see that the Abgang for March is only one aircraft, while I have three aircraft reported as damaged.
It seems only two damaged because Nr.2190 and Nr.2156 is the same plane really (the same crew, date, place and damage level in both records).

Originally Posted by Andreas Brekken View Post
It is of course also possible that they damaged two aircraft (not enemy inflicted) with a damage percentage that did not neccessitate a GenQu report - but that they had to write these off later due to the fact that they were abandoned.
Seems unlikely for April because FW189s had used Kertsch and sometimes Anapa airfields, both airfields were lost too many months later. Nothing like emergency evacuation with abandonment of unserviceable planes.

Originally Posted by Andreas Brekken View Post
Also - I note that the loss reports for March and April were filed in May, it is possible that some of the reports did not reach the designated office at GenQu level due to the fact that it was a war going on.
But the «superfluous» loss in 7.(H)/32 remains unexplainable. 7.(H)/32 looks strange a bit in April.
Seemingly during 11-20.Apr. 5 FW189 were transferred to other unit (or maybe to repairing unit) and during 21-31.Apr. they has returned, and these movements were ignored by Bewegungsmeldungen.
Also, against two 100-% combat losses (and a 10-% combat damage, that maybe was repaired within the Staffel) we have in Bewegungsmeldungen 1 combat loss and one Überholung. Looks like 1 combat loss was recorded as Überholung for some unknown reason. Both losses were recorded immediately in the reports of several army units so they weren’t “doubtful cases”.
Spilling over to May is impossible due to zero losses in May’s Bewegungsmeldungen. Abgang of 6 (!) FW189 to Überholung only. GQM returns listed two combat damages (35% and 25%). Maybe these damages were repaired within the unit of course, though both damages not looks very slight.

Interesting that 1 FW189 has appeared in Stab NAGr9 during 11-20.May and disappeared again before 31.May. Wonder if something known about that plane.

Best regards,
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