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Old 1st October 2016, 14:24
Milos Gazdic Milos Gazdic is offline
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Re: Focke Wulf Fw 190 A-3 "10+I" W Nr 403

Indeed quite unfortunate machine!

And thanks so much GRM! Your database doesn't stop to amaze me!! Wish I was organised type of person like yourself!

Does you database mentions which unit & pilot pricasely this machine was assigned while in JG26 in Vendeville which I believe attached photo above documents...?

I was taking Pale Yellow into account but that would be also quite darker compared to the 10 & I in the photo if the ruder is so dark. At the given photo numerals are identical shade of gray as white on the cross!

Thanks a million for the info!


PS I'm wondering if you by any chance have anything similar for the Go to first new post Focke Wulf Fw 190 A-8 "Red 3+-" “Kornjark" WNr.171641
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