Re: Bf 110 W.Nr.
It appears one of the primary documentation sources for Me W.Nr. assignment is the Baulosaufteilung, which is a table of Auftrag (order numbers) versus W.Nr. (among other data). Looking at the bibliography of Mankau and Petrick's book, this does not seem to be listed. As a result of the W.Nr. "skipping" during late war, it is very difficult to identify were particular blocks end and begin unless one has this level of primary documentation. I have been trying to "reverse engineer" this data for the Ju 88 and it requires a tremondous amount of data and work. An apparent method to cross check the W.Nr. is to compare Stammkennzeichen as they apparently do not "skip" or at least with a different pattern. If the authors are monitoring this board, it would be helpful to know what documentation they used. In general, everything I have checked from this book so far was accurate. That being said, one number outside of a known block could be a typographical error on the original document. Trust me, there are many, many on copies of the original material I see every day. Finally are you certain that the was read correctly from Jim Crow's photo? I have seen a lot of Jim's collection and puzzled over individual digits with a magnifying glass. Also many of Jim's photos are sequences of images with only one in the sequence being published.
My final conclusion, unless you have access to all the original source material used by authors, it is difficult to confirm the data.
Best regards,
Artie Bob