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Old 3rd November 2017, 02:04
bearoutwest bearoutwest is offline
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Re: General theme for Hawker Hurricane during Phoney War and BoF

Some notes of interest on Paul Richey's Hurricane 'G' of 1 Squadron:
(These are from memory of his partial autobiography "Fighter Pilot". Unfortunately, I don't have it to hand to check the details.)
- aircraft carried only the individual aircraft letter - i.e. 'G'- the squadron codes were removed sometime after arrival in France. (Possibly when the enlarged tail tricolour stripes were applied.)
- the only time Richey force landed 'G', it was after combat and his wooden propeller had disintegrated. He made a safe landing* and was congratulated in doing so by his C.O. who then also reprimanded him for taking the risk of gliding so far, instead of baling out.
- Richey was subsequently shot down in combat over France twice more.**

From Peter Cornwell's "Battle of France - Then and Now":
* This combat occurs on 11 May. Wingtip is also damaged in avoiding bomb crater. Aircraft is repairable, but destroyed in bombing on 14 May.
** Richey is also shot down - parachuting out - later on 11 May.

In the attached/linked photos, above, there is a bomb crater on the right of the aircraft but neither wingtip appears damaged. If this Hurricane is Richey's force-landed 'G', then it appears also that the propeller has been replaced, along with the wingtip being repaired. Is it practical to have had the damage repaired between 11-14 May? Is the bomb crater visible in one of the photo, the original crater which Richey had to avoid on landing; or is it possibly the bomb which eventually destroys 'G' - perhaps causing the extensive damage on the fuselage. I tend to think the former, as a bomb leaving such a crater next to the aircraft would most likely have sent it flipping over (in the least).


PS. The damage does appear to be souvenir taking of the fabric, rather than bomb damage.

This internet sourced photo of 1 Squadron Hurricane 'Z' has the letter code near the tail, rather than the cockpit as on the OP's attached photos.
This internet sourced photo shows a typical 85 Sqn Hurricane markings circa 20 May 1940. Caption records the aircraft shot down over France while strafing German troop convoy. (If this link fails, try a google search for 85 Squadron Hurricane markings 1940.)
- converting fuel into noise.

Last edited by bearoutwest; 3rd November 2017 at 02:26. Reason: Afterthough on damage....