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Old 13th November 2017, 21:48
Posts: n/a
German plane crash at Sheldwich Kent 1942

I hope this is the correct place to post my request. My Dad witnessed at very close quarters the crash of a twin engined German aircraft which came down near to Sheldwich in Kent UK. He thinks this was in the Summer of 1942 but cannot be sure. He saw the stricken plane flying south above and along Lees Court Road and directly overhead where he lived on that road at grid ref TR013562 with the pilot trying to keep control. The aircraft crashed about a mile or so further south of TR013562 into a bank which lead up to a woodland. He thinks that it could have been at approximately TR013562. Interestingly, there is some disturbed ground in the Google maps image here:!3m1!1e3

I am sorry that this is all the information that I have. He was about 9 years old at the time but his description of actually seeing the pilot who appeared to be trying to avoid hitting civilian houses is chilling. Is it possible to get any information about this event or can anyone suggest where I could look for details?
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