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Old 1st March 2018, 06:06
JaganP JaganP is offline
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 64
JaganP is on a distinguished road
Re: Friendly fire WWII

Two other incidents of Friendly Fire

The infamous PEGU March of Allied POWs from Rangoon. As allied troops closed in on Rangoon

About 4o'clock in the afternoon of 25 April 1945, 76 Americans and 365 British prisoners of war were evacuated from Rangoon Central Prison by Japanese guards under direction of the Japanese commandant. 38 American prisoners remained in Rangoon. The prisoners who marched from Rangoon traveled for 3 days & nights and arrived about four miles from Pegu on the morning of the fourth day

They arrived at this place at daylight 29 April and were told they were at liberty by the Japanese commandant. The same day they were subjected to bombing and strafing attacks by allied aircrews. During these attacks the senior Allied officer. Brigadier Hobson was killed.
The strafing, initially attributed to Indian Air Force Hurricanes was actually done by Hurricane IIDs of No.20 Squadron.


B29s vs Spitfire

On 1944-09-04 Spitfire VIII MD271 being flown by Maj W H Hoffe , CO of 152 Sqdn was shot down by B29s near Tamu. Hoffe crashlanded the badly damaged spitfire at Tamu and wrecked it. The B29 gunners claimed a "Probably Tony that looked like a Spitfire". Hoffe got to visit the B29 unit that shot at him and their CO apologised.

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