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Old 10th March 2019, 16:00
schwarze-man schwarze-man is offline
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Re: Messerschmitt W.Nr.

Originally Posted by srob48 View Post

Question 1: What was the 133 aircraft built between W.Nr.2807 - 2940?

Question 2: Did other Messerschmitt aircraft, ie. Bf108 W.Nr. fit in with these numbers, or did they have their own W.Nr. For example, was it possible for there to be a Bf109E-4 W.Nr.2790 and a Bf108 with the same W.Nr.?

Question 3: In an ideal world, it would seem logical that once the Bf109F began production, it would follow on from the last Bf109E. But we know Mölders flew Bf109 F-1, W.Nr.5628. And yet if we look at the list, we find another 686 Bf109E of various versions were built after the Bf109F began production (including E-1) from W.Nr.5791 which was a E-4/B, upto W.Nr.7696 which was a E-7.

Hi Steve.

1. I do not know, sorry.

2. Different types could have the same number but, they would be the different types, eg Bf109 W.Nr. 2000 and Bf108 W.Nr. 2000 would be different aircraft, different types and, those ID's show that.

3. Aircraft production blocks and ID number allocations would always have anomalies. There was no attempt to sequentially number all production as they came off the production line or, in accordance with the chronological type designation. AFAIK, the numbers were allocated as the production was authorised and assigned. I believe that many production blocks were unbuilt, particularly in the later war years. Also, many rebuilds involved upgrade to a later type designation. Cheers

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