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Old 26th May 2019, 23:45
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Ian Jewison Ian Jewison is offline
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Re: Luftwaffenflugzeugführerscheines

You need the books:

"Die Flugzeugführerausbildung der Deutschen Luftwaffe 1935 - 1945" Volumes 1 and 2 by Sven Carlsen and Michael Meyer.

They detail everything from initial basic training, pilot training schools A/B, C school, blind flying, what of course is required for your license and progress to advanced pilot school, fighter, ground combat, transport, weapons and reserve training units etc......very good books!!

EDIT: I see you have read the first you have the second? I thought they broke down what you wanted......

I looked into it briefly some time ago:

The break down of aircraft is as follows:

A Aircraft:

A 1: Upto 500 Kg flying weight, one or two-seater, single engine
A 2: Upto 1000 Kg flying weight, one to three-seater, single engine

B Aircraft:

B 1: Upto 2500 Kg flying weight, one to three-seater, single engine
B 2: Upto 5000 Kg flying weight, over three seats, single or double engine

C Aircraft:

C: Over 5000 Kg flying weight, over three seats, two or more engines.

After completion of A1, A2 and B1 training and examination you qualified for you Pilots license - Luftwaffenflugzeugführerschein (Land) - LF
After completion of B2 and C training and examination you qualified for you Advanced Pilots license - Erweiteter Luftwaffenflugzeugführerschein (Land) - ELF

I do have numerous documents, some already shown but also individual training records, combat selection and advanced schooling records.

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