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Old 2nd August 2006, 19:27
Mirek Wawrzynski Mirek Wawrzynski is offline
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Re: VVS: high OoB-figures for 22.06 1941

you have given smaller figures

On 22 VI 1941 could be on 5 Western Militari Districts about 10.700 comabt planes (servicable and non servicable), you have remaber that civil aviation had aditional several hundreds on these districs too (after begining of war they were incorporated into military aviation (transport) it is plus aditional several hundreds palnes and last quite small independednt is avaition of NKVD (a few hundreds 100-300?).
So the figure of about 11.000 military planes on 5 militariy districs is not so low as you think.

Remeber that whole power of VVS on June 1941 in Russia had about 25.000 planes (all:combat, training) and a factory had supplied each week next hundreds planes to the units

Mirek W

In 1941 Soviet regiment had nominal power of 63 planes, in the Wester MD the old planes were not withdrown to the back or other units but Russian had left these planes of the airfield when the new types had come to the regiemnts. S in these regiment (mostly fighters) there were duble amount of planes (about 80-120) = old and ne palnes (like I-16 and MiG-3).
Mirek Wawrzyński
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