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Old 5th October 2019, 18:24
SteveR SteveR is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2018
Location: Upper Midwest, USA
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SteveR is on a distinguished road
Seeking Book Recommendations

Back in high school and college I took German classes for 5 years and had become fairly fluent. Those classes ended in 1983 however...

Early this year I decided it was time to re-learn to read German (fortunately I still have all of my textbooks and dictionaries from long ago). The re-learning process (aided by a translation app on my phone) went easier than expected so a few months ago I purchased Schmidt's Achtung! Torpedos Los!; reading it went well so then I bought vol. 2 of Ulf Balke's work on KG 2, which I'm now reading.

So I'm looking for recommendations of German-language Luftwaffe unit histories. Any type of unit is ok, though priority for me would be JG or KG units. Preference for area(s) of operation is NWE, followed by Med., followed by Eastern Front.

Criteria I seek is:
1. Accuracy
2. Detail (for missions and aerial combats) - more is better, there's no such thing as too much detail in my eyes.

Thanks in advance for any recommendations!
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