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Old 19th February 2020, 14:54
sveahk sveahk is offline
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Posts: 188
Re: LW-Gruppe Schädlingsbekämpfung (Pest Control Group)


Can't refrain from bringing this strange letter concerning the Chef of E.Kdo.40. to light. It's sent from Weimar to the Commander of Erprobungsstellen Rechlin, date 25.2.1944.

My translation:

" At the airport of Nohra there is an Oberst von Borstell, a crass egotist, who knows how to provide himself with all possible advantages. Recently he wishes to place a part of his unit(E.Kdo.40) in a forester's house by Coburg, where he can perform alleged "scientific" research. In reality it's only a pretext to be able to be together with his divorced first wife, who lives there. What a scoundrel! And such a man is a high officer in the Third Reich. What will the common soldier think of that.
I could with a clear conscience sign this letter with my name, but I won't do it, as I've seen last year how persons not in favour have been sent off.
I've sent a copy of this letter to GFM Milch.

Heil Hitler
An old National Socialist

Well, how about that!! No wonder somebody wrote "Papierkorb!" at the bottom - Trashcan! But for once, a German command which was not followed - and instead let us sit here more than 75 years afterwards wondering...what was that all about?!

Cheers Hans K

Original letter

Last edited by sveahk; 8th January 2021 at 15:16.
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