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Old 28th February 2005, 23:10
Franek Grabowski Franek Grabowski is offline
Alter Hase
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Warsaw, Poland
Posts: 2,365
Franek Grabowski is on a distinguished road
Why the irony when its a german pilot and the ready acceptance when its an allied one?
Well, you should read comments of Polish pilots when they heard of multiple claims of US B-17 gunners in the late 1942! The same one that caused a lot of laugh at Abbeville!
6's comment is quite valid though I do not think it exagerated in time. Please look at memoirs of Rudel when he describes a massacre done by Mustangs over SE (then S) Poland in 1944.

You have a point - some of those 'heroic' rammings lauded by the press 60 years later perhaps were a result of simple collisions and ended up with the pilots' shooting a line, no doubt helped along by the press of the day.
Doubtless, but there were some deeds of heroism or... stupidity! It just needs proper research and recognition and to filter out propaganda. I perfectly remember a talk with the late Skalski, who on the first day of war landed near a downed Henschel and personally took the crew POW. He said: people always ask me why I did it. I do not know, I was stupid! Friends were telling me that I will regret that. I do! I have to talk about that all the time!

Luftflotte 3 fighter strength (source: Prien, “JG 1/11”, p. 1004)
Just check how many aircraft went through the units during the June.

Actually, in December 1944, in sheer numbers the Allied numerical superiority was less strong that it had been in June 1944.
In France?
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