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Old 2nd March 2005, 07:02
NickM NickM is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 608
Christer:a funny thing about LW vets in Normandy.

After reading your 'Graf/Grislawski', and some other commentary from JG51 vets who's staffel was attached to II/JG1 during Normandy, it seemed that more than a few LW pilots who were vets of the Soviet front, felt that flying with small numbers (Rotte or schwarm) was better in Normandy because it kept them from being spotted too easily & it made it easier to 'sneak up' on allied least that was the impression that I got! Naturally I could have misunderstood;



PS: Christer, two have to 'chill out' a bit---I sense strong currents in the dark side of the Force between you!
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