Thread: Photo LVG B.I
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Old 16th September 2020, 00:31
musec04 musec04 is offline
Alter Hase
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Re: Photo LVG B.I


There are a few Bavrian LVG B.I with the number on a white rectangle, especially LVG B.I (Ot) aircraft and a simialar marking on the fuselage at least on a Pfalz in Jack herris volume on Pfalz aircraft, so I wonder if the serial on a white rectangle was the standard form og marking for Bavarian aircraft before joining the Idflieg system.It would be nice to have a list of Bavarian aircraft serials in order to track down other machines to see if the same styling appears elsewhere.As you're in Munich.... I wonder if such a list has already been published somewhere, Bavarian related documentation appears to have survived somewhat better than its Reich equivalent.


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