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Old 13th March 2021, 15:11
ChristianK ChristianK is offline
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Re: White or yellow horizontal bar JG 300 Bf 109 G-10?

This would be a good theory Franck, but in the other photo from this place you can see that a "Black 6" from the same unit carries the yellow Gruppe bar too.

Perhaps this is the II./JG 51 and perhaps someone there decided that the II.-Gruppe-bar should be painted in the Gruppe color (yellow) rather than black. But this is just an unproven possibility.

Sadly, the "9" in the background is to blurry to draw any conclusion from it. Don't know if the number is white or yellow, unsure if there is a yellow Gruppe bar or not.

Is it even confirmed yet that this is Fels am Wagram? The landscape sure looks like it could be, but is there any proof?

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